[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 8 points 1 month ago

Making space exploration 1000x cheaper basically. Not kidding, that’s roughly the goal I believe. That’s needed to make it possible to send enough stuff and people to Mars to make us a multi planetary species. It’s a completely crazy goal/idea, but that’s actually been the goal of SpaceX from the start. Getting Starship to work seems incredibly difficult and almost impossible, but so did landing a big booster rocket on a drone ship and today they do that so often it’s almost become boring.

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 37 points 1 month ago

As another commenter stated, this explosion is not at “Starbase” where they launch starship. It’s unlikely to have any impact on the launch schedule for Starship. They tested an engine on a test stand and it failed. They will likely learn something from it.

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 10 points 2 months ago

I’m not saying it’s the optimal solution for everyone, nothing is.

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 44 points 2 months ago

Electric bikes have become really popular and common here in Denmark. I only have around 5km to work, so no need for an electric one, but if I had perhaps 20km to work, I’d buy an electric bicycle instantly.

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 18 points 3 months ago

Måske…DR har fået den mærkelige ide at de skal gøre deres public service materiale mere besværligt at tilgå 😞 (Podcasts kan kun lyttes til i deres app)

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 16 points 4 months ago

I think the title is a bit misleading. AFAIK, Euro NCAP have no authority to tell car makers anything, but they do indirectly affect how cars are developed because getting high Euro NCAP safety scores are important.

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 8 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Har lige læst "Nærmest fri: Min vej ud af mørket" af Daniel Rye hvor han fortæller om livet efter at have været gidsel hos Islamisk stat. Tilfældigt link til bogen: https://www.williamdam.dk/naermest-fri__3503844

Er også næsten færdig med at gense "Band of Brothers". Sjovt nok nu tilgængelig på Netflix selvom det er en HBO serie. Det er stadig en helt fantastisk serie. Synes ikke den nye "Masters of the Air" (på ATV+) indtil videre er nær så god. The Pacific (kom engang efter Band of Brothers, er også ganske god).

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 7 points 5 months ago

Det er satme flot når de selv nærmest ikke producere andet end 100% lort.

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 41 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)


Engineers are working to resolve an issue with one of Voyager 1’s three onboard computers, called the flight data system (FDS). The spacecraft is receiving and executing commands sent from Earth; however, the FDS is not communicating properly with one of the probe’s subsystems, called the telemetry modulation unit (TMU). As a result, no science or engineering data is being sent back to Earth.

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 11 points 7 months ago

"Vi gør det, fordi det er nødvendigt, for at vi også på længere sigt fortsat kan tilbyde et samlet, frit og tilgængeligt lydtilbud til alle danskere, som er uafhængigt af techgiganterne."

Og deres geniale løsning er at gøre deres public service programmer sværere at tilgå? Goddag mand økseskaft - den argumentation giver da ingen mening. RSS er en åben standard og har som sådan intet tech giganterne at gøre udover at mange bruger Apple's podcast bibliotek. Nogen i DR har vedtaget en strategi om at adgangen til deres materiale skal ske via deres egne apps/platforme og nu skal den for alt i verden blive en succes og så andre, i øvrigt fint fungerende løsninger bare dø.

Man kunne jo spørge DR hvorfor dette så eksisterer: https://www.dr.dk/service/tilgaengelighed/dr-tilgaengelighed-paa-facebook

[-] Jramskov@feddit.dk 7 points 10 months ago

De/vi kan godt lave store forandringer hvis de/vi vil - det så vi med corona. Det er virkelig skuffende at vores folkevalgte ikke tager den absolut største krise vi har stået overfor særligt alvorligt.

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