I can hear the ineffective assistance of counsel appeal being typed up now.
Gotta say the investigative journalism on this one left a lot to be desired, like investigating and journalism. Anyone can write "hey I saw this thing on Instagram, might be real might not thanks for the click."
...I got better.
It turned me into a newt.
Gonna be real mad if this ends up making it harder to get hot stuff. Don't push your limits folks, but don't restrict others.
Give Craig Ferguson his time slot.
Just put "-youtube" in your search...
That's just not true. Bankruptcy courts claw back from 3rd parties all the time.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you put an apostrophe there?!
(ahem, grammar and spelling Nazis are also horrible)
He's in a car that should be 1-2 in every race is the problem.
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joined 1 year ago
What are you some kind of city boy that buys his blanks at the store?