You got me looking them up and there are so many I missed before but get to enjoy now. Thanks!
I once accidentally thought a girl in my class put her hand up for a high-five but was very confused when I put my hand up to give her one. I died on the inside. It was death by cringe I tell you.
That means this ad is essentially telling us to be trashy.
Out here devouring that solar system like Galactus.
This sounds like a prequel to the show Psycho-Pass.
This is definitely troubleshooting tip #1 but in this specific case I will advise against turning your mom on!
Last time was way more detailed. It was sprawling with mass participation from so many communities that the more you zoomed in and looked, the more cool, creative and diverse stuff you'd find.
This time looks like a completely bare bones shell of the handful of communities that even thought it was worth spending time on. It's not even close to the same glorious effort that it was before.
"There's nothing in the rulebook that says a dog can't compete in the science fair!" -The Judge from Air Bud 27
He decided to give that person a horse with a loan
I know it's a typo but that sounds like an awesome start to a western video game, regardless of how it's interpreted -- either getting a horse and a loan for supplies, a horse that needs to be paid for later, or a horse that took out a loan by some kind of paperwork error and now has more money than you. I'd play any of those.
And also I'm with you, I think the funny jokes about Tom Nook took off into a smear campaign. Having no time limit, interest free, and also being in a world where money is everywhere and literally grows on trees makes it an amazing deal.
Designer couldn't decide if they wanted a David Lynch aesthetic or a Wes Anderson one and tried to do both at once.
Wow I just so happened to jump back on here and check out the Timelapse video right as my THC tablet kicked in. 10/10 highly recommend the experience, no pun intended.
Nami Swaaaaaan!