[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 22 points 1 week ago

"I cast longsword!"

"Does the paladin's piss count as holy water?"

"You described the mech as being similar to a Gundam. So it's a mobile suit? Does that mean I'm technically wearing it on my person?"

"Watch out for the ass-grabbing ghosts!"

"I struggle like a dog being given a pill."

"No, don't activate your telepathy! I don't want your mind-herpes!"

"Wait, why is a duck that lays eggs named Mr. Quackers?" "Mr. Quackers can be whatever he wants!"

"I cast Prestidigitation and pee his pants."

"Hey Nyarlathotep, wanna see something funny?"

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 23 points 2 weeks ago

I was mentally halfway into composing a rant about how unfair you are being to Pablo when I got to that last paragraph. "He has ADHD! He's obviously stimming and self-medicating and you are terrible for criticizing him for that! This is just what untreated ADHD looks like!"

I'm glad you were able to turn things around and I hope you can be a little easier on your past self now.

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 39 points 2 weeks ago

I don't think streamers and video creators are more likely to be sex pests. You're just more likely to hear about a sex pest if their career involves trying to be seen by as many people as possible.

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 17 points 2 weeks ago

Oh, sorry, I had the wrong guy. I was thinking of Dan Vasc, whose red-faced screaming meltdown is embedded in the article you linked. Must have gotten the names mixed up.

Let me try this again.

Why am I not surprised that the guy who turned out to be a pedo also gets upset about other people having pronouns?

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 14 points 3 weeks ago

I was raised by these people. We read the Bible every day, and the family had weekly study sessions where we would all read a portion together and discuss it. We definitely went through the entire thing.

The problem is not that they don't read the Bible. The problem is that they have developed an obscurantist interpretational framework which allows them to ignore the plain meaning of the text and twist it to conform with their ideology.

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 15 points 1 month ago

A Pharisee (politically powerful religious faction) lawyer decides to test Jesus by asking what the most important commandment is. Jesus answers by stating two commandments: Love God wholeheartedly, and love your neighbor as much as you love yourself. All the other rules are based on these two.

The lawyer asks for clarification: "Who is my neighbor?" (He can't mean everyone, right!? Some of them are, you know...)

Jesus responds by telling the Parable of the Good Samaritan: A story about a Jewish man, much like the lawyer, who is violently mugged and left to die in the street. A priest and a Levite (member of the tribe in charge of the temple), both highly respected leaders in Jewish society, pass by while pretending not to notice. The only person who stops to help is a Samaritan, a member of a hated ethnic and religious minority that had recently defiled the Jewish temple in an act of terrorism. (The Samaritans' own temple had been destroyed a century earlier and the date of its destruction made into an annual holiday, they were hated so much.)

"Which of the three men was a neighbor to the one who was robbed?"

"The one who showed mercy to him," the lawyer admits, unwilling to utter the name of his mutual enemy.

"Go and do likewise."

It says to love everyone, especially the ones society hates.

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 21 points 1 month ago

All the "I like Republicans' fiscal conservatism" people in this thread need to read this. "Fiscal conservatism" and "small government" are and always have been dogwhistles for racism and other forms of bigotry. "Government waste" does not refer to inefficiency in government spending, it's code for programs that help the poor and minorities.

The core of Conservative ideology is a belief in the existence of natural hierarchy, where all people owe privilege to the wise and righteous beings above them and are obligated to punish those below for their inferiority. The Conservatives themselves, having designed this hierarchy, are oh-so-conveniently at the very top of it. Everything that Republicans do makes sense when viewed from this perspective.

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 16 points 2 months ago

There's a novel titled Glasshouse, by Charles Stross, where members of a far future civilization sign up to live in a simulated mid-20th century town. At one point the protagonist disassembles a flashlight and discovers that it's just a flashlight-shaped case containing a small wormhole whose other end is in close orbit around a star. No one knew how to make an LED or incandescent bulb, or understood enough about early electronic components to hook one up to a switch and a battery. It was easier to make a wormhole generator and stick it in a metal tube.

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 15 points 3 months ago

Hey now, that association is very unfair to wolf scrotums.

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 28 points 3 months ago

I thought I was going deaf because I struggled to make out what people on screen were saying. Then a friend got a bunch of us together to watch a TV show that was filmed in the 90's and I could clearly understand every single word being spoken. The problem is on the production end.

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 13 points 7 months ago

So that turned out to be a big lie. Many streamers were banned yesterday for things that were specifically allowed under the new rules, and now those rules have been reverted.

[-] Laurentide@pawb.social 13 points 7 months ago

Inertia. I hate that word. I've been hearing it my entire life from my father, who clearly noticed this trait of mine, but instead of helping me he turned it into a means of piling on guilt and shame. "You have too much inertia." "You need to stop having so much inertia." "Why aren't you fighting the inertia? You said you wanted to do this."

I hate that word.

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