[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 43 points 2 months ago

Easy to go at an experiment like this, when you can back out anytime. He learnt nothing and so didn't anyone else.

Besides it's revalitizing people who are actually homeless or in precarious situations.



heute gibt's für mich Mal einen Ausflug zum Rewe. Konnte jemand schon Nuggets vom Rewe testen? Taugen die was?



tried to find something nicer than the standard cases for the fairphone 5. But with very little success. Do you have a go to service for that?

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 49 points 5 months ago

Also wie lang soll man jetzt warten, bis man endlich ein Verbotsverfahren prüft/einleitet?

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 50 points 5 months ago

Wann kommt eigentlich der Kollaps durch den Mindestlohn?


Anyone knows this sentence? I had a lot of people saying that when I was younger. I also knew alcohol would do magic to my anxiety.

By now I've learned that it doesn't need alcohol to have people actually liking you.

I mean. I'm still anxiety-me. But surrounding myself with people who like me.

And right now to feels useless to write this, like it doesn't have a point. Excuse me..



ich brauchte nur die halbe Packung zum kochen. Wie kann ich den Rest am besten lagern?


Ist Soja in den Produkten gelandet. Auch in denen wo es nicht deklariert ist. Kann wohl auch ohne Bon zurückgegeben werden.


Yes. Its true. You can get the legacy, including Witch Queen, Beyond Light and Shadowkeep, for free.

Now is a good time to start or switch to computer.

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 57 points 7 months ago

When I was on school I didn't understand the quote of that one native American, that said we borrow the planet from our children.

That's actually a powerful quote. Yet so many seem to look after exactly one thing: gain more money at any cost.

This downward spiral is hard to take for me. But I try my best to do the right thing as much as I am able to. But I'm also limited.

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 83 points 7 months ago

Ah das müssen diese Atomkraftwerke sein, die alle bauen außer Deutschland


My head is running in circles since the Lightfall announcment. When the light and dark saga ends.. whats next?

Could it be more focused on Vex and technical stuff or will they fully unfold the war with Xivu Arath?

Also wondering and kinda hoping they will throw out a new saga with a new engine.

What are your thoughts?



es wird merklich kälter bei uns und ich hab mich bis jetzt vor der schwierigen Suche nach veganen/lederfreien Boots gedrückt.

Nun.. ich weiß nicht so recht welche Hersteller oder Modelle auch einen Winter durchhalten.

Falls da irgendwer eine Idee hat, bin ich sehr dankbar :)!

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 51 points 8 months ago

Lemmy, Threads and Mastodon proved they just move to the next network.

vegane Mehlklöße? (lemmy.world)


in meiner Familie gibt es schon seit ich denken kann ein Rezept für Mehlklöße. Die fehlen mir jetzt seit meinem vegansein schon sehr.

Das einzig tierische daran ist das Ei. Wüsstet ihr was sich eignet um das zu ersetzen?

Im Prinzip Ei, Mehl, Salz und ein wenig Wasser. Das Ei sorgt dafür das die Masse backt und man die in z. B. Suppe geben kann und die darin dann noch einen Augenblick ziehen.

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 97 points 9 months ago

Lots of people who are designing websites and webapps are just out for the design. Usability went in the background for whatever reason.

But more and more people are getting more aware of user friendly UI and functions for people with disabilities. But yet it's not the highest priority sadly.

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 129 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Well. Those corporations took their money and threw it in. Basically fusions of different services. Besides that you have a lot of clickbaits and cheap stuff like dropshops and so on.

You gotta be very picky on what services you use. Lemmy f.e. is amazing for me. It does not feel like someone wants to get money off me.

The internet basically became what the analog world was before and it's anything else than amazing.

Edit: in short terms: Capitalism took the internet from the people.

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 184 points 10 months ago

Lots are here. I joined a while ago on a different server and the content was slow. But by now it's like always fresh content.

I can tell you the traffic rose up.



ich finde in keinem Supermarkt vor Ort die vegane Salamipizza von Ristorante.

Auf der Homepage von Dr. Oetker ist sie aber noch gelistet.

Ist irgendwie bekannt ob die gerade nicht produziert wird?

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 50 points 10 months ago

It all comes down to one thing:

You agreed to the terms and agreements. You don't have to.

But in general.. imo.. it should be absolutely forbidden to sell data and governments should finally do something and stop sleeping.

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 43 points 10 months ago

Wahnsinn. Was haben unsere Uniformierten Mitbürger vorgehabt, das die Presse "wegschauen" müsste?

[-] LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world 51 points 10 months ago

Disable it by uninstalling.


Oh what a ride.

We only made it past bridge. Let alone the lantern phase took forever. Maybe because we were messing around with swords getting up some serious speed.

Bridge was a thing to figure out. I don't know if there was that buff back then. I only mastered the raid 8 times on OG Destiny.

So we're still out clearing on normal with the final encounter, which is doable. Gonna dig ourselves in tonight.

Though the chest after the bridge phase wasn't in the room. Did we miss something?

What are your thoughts? Did you make it within contest-mode or no?



it's an ongoing discussion in my clan. Not everyone played the old raid and some just rarely and now we're thinking about what would be the best Loadout for the encounter?

What are your thoughts?

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joined 11 months ago