It seems like every user on annihilation.social is a racist idiot, and indeed seems to be the entire purpose of that instance. Who do we talk to about starting a discussion on defederation so that they can't use lemmy.world to spread their vile hatred?

For example, one is referencing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion like it's a true thing and the other is talking about how God hates race mixing.

It should be said that "news" sites like this are a common right-wing grift: sell a story in the headline that that angry reactionaries will click on to get that hit of indignant rage.

If you think about the stories for five seconds, they fall apart; but clickfarms like the one in the link know that conservatives will spread incendiary headlines like this without even a shred of skepticism.

Their business model depends on it, and they're eating very well.

There are no rights and no legal protections fot anybody who is an illegal legal in any country.

What a stupid thing to say. It's illegal to murder anyone regardless of immigration status.

But I guess the guy who thinks he should be able to own an RPG isn't really that thoughtful about the nuance of law.

[-] LookBehindYouNowAndThen@lemmy.world 14 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Grasping at hay.

You want to empower a criminal president who tried to steal the election multiple ways, and it's somehow the people who didn't cheat who are actually the fascists if you think about it.

Yeah. What a smart retort.

Damn, you got me again with the "no you."

I've gotta stop forgetting that you've got one perfect response to everything!

Funny how you accuse Biden of being a leftist and a fascist at the same time. Almost like you don't care about the meaning of words.

Fascism is a reactionary movement against socialism, which is why fascists in power always purge socialists. I can see though that you don't let facts get in the way of your conservative ideology.

Conservatives have a long history of ushering in Fascists because of scary leftists demanding things like labor rights or equality for sexual minorities.

So yeah. Big shock there.

Trump urged Justice officials to declare election ‘corrupt’

President Donald Trump urged senior Justice Department officials to declare the results of the 2020 election “corrupt” in a December phone call, according to handwritten notes from one of the participants in the conversation.

Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen,” Trump said at one point to then-Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, according to notes taken by Richard Donoghue, who was then Rosen’s deputy and who was also on the call.

Trump wanted to use the delay caused by the insurrectionist mob to get the traitor caucus to certify fake electors and hand him the presidency despite being voted out of office.

And you're going to vote for him again.

When did Trump run a budget surplus?

Or you could try to stay on topic for a change.

Yes I definitely defended her by calling her a kook.

That's a very smart thing that you just said.

The American right (unique among ideologies), denies the existence of climate change altogether.

So it's hilarious to point to one crazy "on the left" instead of the army of credulous cretins who believe something much more harmful because Daddy Oil told them not to worry.

[-] LookBehindYouNowAndThen@lemmy.world 45 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

That user is a straight-up Nazi. Look at their comment history:

I’m not. I’m just saying that it hurts my feelings to have this guy be called white. There are so many mixed race white supremacists out there, and they make white people look bad. Why are we calling this guy white?

Gee, I wonder why women are abandoning the GOP in droves.

[-] LookBehindYouNowAndThen@lemmy.world 13 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Oh, I see.

You don't care about the truth.

It all makes sense now.

So when you said the UK isn't a nation of migrants you knew you were wrong?

Some people actually aren't afraid of history, to the despair of conservatives worldwide.

Also, what a fun admission that Europeans invaded the Americas. I'm sure you'll be logically consistent there.

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