That or they're smashing rn, there's a bunch e-gals on Twitter lusting after them, dudes a rock star (cw: horny)
"A lack of coverage"
Either a pro or the dude was a vet, like a vet who saw actual combat. He's def used a gun before, I don't think some disgruntled rando could walk off that calmly after shooting a guy three times.
Oh god, we're getting Fallout timeline not Star Trek.
Most Libs don't really care if a color revolution is CIA backed, they think it's a good thing.
Modern dating is so depressing
This makes me more anti-Trot than anything else.
There's too much capital tied up in the federal government for this to actually happen. The haute bourgeois finger breakers will wrangle Trump in once he's actually in office.
This is the stupidest struggle session in HexBear history, a record that will be broken by every subsequent struggle sessions in HexBear history.
"Twitter isn't real life!"
Twitter drama destroys the western bloc
We have all seen those toxic and reactionary opinions 200 million times, ultimately it is just getting really mad at other powerless people.
1: i don't think people are really getting all that "mad" about these posts, we're having a laugh, which often relieves stress.
2: I've seen mockery of morph into more serious analysis of said thats often quite illuminating.
You gain Karma in New Vegas for killing Van Graffs and Omertàs, idk how this is different.