[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Except vitual desktops can't quite replicate the usefulness of a second screen in portrait orientation.

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 46 points 1 year ago

Unfortunately that sort of behaviour is common in many sectors where large companies subcontract with smaller companies.

The tactic basically created the whole factoring concept (buying invoices, or using invoices as security for a "loan"/credit).

Over here in Sweden it was construction companies that initially fuelled the development, and the large companies basically required very long payment terms (60+ days) from their subcontractors and then waited to the very last day to dispute the invoice by complaining on some part of the work, further delaying payment. A small subcontractor could often not front being out that much money (2+ months of salaries, materials and other operating costs, cost of fighting the dispute etc) and ended up going bust. Enter financial institutions buying (or "lending" with the invoice as security) the invoice, letting the subcontractor get paid immediately, but of course not the full amount since the factoring company wants to profit from the deal. The factoring companies being backed by large financial institutions (banks typically) have enough money that they can sit out those long payment terms and other "bullshit" since they know those large construction companies ARE good for the money they are owed EVENTUALLY.

Still carves into the margins for the small actors.

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Jag uppskattar memes i lagom nivå och i princip alltid när det ligger lite ansträngning bakom och inte bara en lat dussinkopia med marginell textändring.

Så jag personligen säger kör hårt tills det blir så mycket att det motiverar en egen community!

Den här var bra!

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

Det uttalandet är ju inte på något vis indikation på minskat stöd. Om något är det ett uttryckt stöd för vårt system och vår demokrati (man fördömer inte tillståndet som gavs). Det här är ju precis som att de allra flesta är för åsiktsfrihet utan att för den saken hålla med om alla uttryckta åsikter.

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Glad midsommar!

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Nu har jag inte läst på ordentligt, men kan tänka mig att det finns en intressant frågeställning kring hur man definierar hur många en plattform når.

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

Meanwhile I'm here avoiding airbag related injuries by driving cars old enough not to have any. True big brain move right there if I do say so myself.

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Editing titles much later can be useful for example when discussing news or findings that later get disproved, at which point one could edit the title to reflect that so that future readers don't risk going down the path of trusting it.

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

There seem to have been some good ideas i 4e, but the overall game just didn't appeal to me.

A lot of things felt samey. No matter if spells or abilities they all seemed to be very similar to the core with just a coat of flavour paint applied on top.

The balancing and the overall focus of the rules made it seem video gamey to me and that is/was already covered by actual video games and not what I want out of a tabletop rp experience.

To make matters worse the changes in their "primary" setting didn't appeal much to me either (and apparently not to many others since they basically did away with most of it for 5e).

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Är det bara jag som inte förstår hur ljudböcker kan kosta mer än Netflix?

Jag skulle gissa att det handlar om volymer. För att få ett attraktivt utbud behövs stor volym av olika böcker, vilket medför licenser man behöver betala för. Har man sedan en inte lika stor volym användare, så behöver priset per användare vara högre. Så har man ett sämre förhållande mellan volym licenser man behöver betala för och volym användare som ger intäkter i form av abbonnemang etc då behöver abbonnemangskostnaden bli högre.

[-] MerfMerf@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Definitely not a fan of fixed unit sizes.

Free wargear I'm a bit more undecided on. I like just getting to kit to the teeth, and using options that usually are rarely worth the point cost. I also like that it is just simpler/quicker... Buuut, as tyere will be objectively better options that will always get picked and I don't like not being able to just remove some equipment to fit a point limit and instead have to change whole units. The building blocks become much bigger, meaning list composition ends up more rigid which I don't quite like.

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