The most infuriating part of this is that when they do bring cheaper labor they always pocket the difference. It just makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. All while the middle class shrinks.
Israel's occupation and destruction is not increasing Palestinian rights just like nazi Germany didn't increase jewish people's rights.
The rich keep on getting richer and the poor poorer. At the same time, the middle class shrinks.
Things won't improve until people take a stand and force change
Real ones use bidet or a watering can first then wipe to simply dry. Much cleaner.
Nah, reinstall goes brrrr whenever you run into an issue
Been a fraud since his pro zionist stance
Buy it, own it.
Tariffs would make things more expensive, it would be like another inflation. Immigration will do the same. Less work force, and less people willing to work for lower wages.
This would be huge. Much like Europe, America's population will decline. You need immigrants.
Translation: move instances
Its a good idea to give them competitors anyways.
Can't fathom buying one when you can't do any repairs on your own.