As a french person we have bigger fishes to fry lmao 😂 (I might live in a fascist state soon™)

Not free I agree but I prefer getting taxed a lot and have those services rather than not.

The way I see it, if we tax for example fuel, well the price of fuel rises for the customers, so customers buy less fuel, then fuel companies lower the price so their stuff gets bought and now your fuel is around the same price as before, but you have free healthcare.

The more I grow the more I feel like capitalism is reaching a breaking point

Like, there are women out there with higher testorone than the average man

No, that doesn't happen, the adrenal glands and ovaries do not produce enough t to reach even very low male levels, testosterone for the most part is produced in the testicules which cis women do not have. that much testosterone would transition a woman into a man, they would grow beard and get a deeper voice, that's how HRT works for FtMs.

We can push for 5% I can feel it!


it was milk 🥛 🤩😋 Femboy milk! 😊😋😋

Ugh no keep my Linux Elon free

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Je suis dévastée.

Il est très probable que les moins de 25 ans soient les suivants, ils veulent nous éradiquer.

No I think KDE is the best de out there fight me.

I agree. Although I'm not as pessimistic as you are, I truly believe that the US can become a socialist country, I'm young though 😅

I hadn't considered some right wing bigots would be on here and was arguing with ppl. Thx! :)

Did you know that the best way we currently have to store energy are dams? In most dams you can install a pump to take water and store it higher, then when energy is needed you simply open the turbine.

How important is prolactin? (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Hello everyone, I just got my test results back and everything seems to be good, although I'm slightly concerned that my prolactin is too low, it's at 9ng/mL.

I looked up prolactin online and it seems it regulates breast growth and pregnancy, could low prolactin levels slow my breast growth?

JUUUUST FYI, piss is NOT sterile that's a myth

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Coucou, depuis la sortie de Trnsmnia 🤢 Les républicains ont sorti un projet de loi visant à supprimer le droit de transitioner aux mineurs.

En plus d'être transphobe cette proposition de loi et tout droit importé du Royaume-Uni et des idéologies conservatrices américaines.

Il serait évidemment préférable que ce genre de proposition de loi ne puissent jamais voir le jour où être votées, mais je ne sais pas quoi faire pour empêcher cela d'arriver, j'ai l'impression d'être impuissante face au politiciens. Je suis allée manifester et j'ai signé des pétitions, mais n'est il pas possible faire des trucs en plus?

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