
joined 7 months ago
[–] Mihies@programming.dev 0 points 21 hours ago (3 children)

Yeah, another trait is "it might be true". Dude, it might be true that anther head grows on you, but it's not very likely, is it?

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 1 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (5 children)

Ah, the classic baseless dummy conspiracy theory of governments murdering own people for a reason or another.

Edit: typo it -> or

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

*If that happens and public knows it

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Another negative effect will be other allies wondering WTF.

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 0 points 1 day ago (2 children)

If there were no Nazis, there there are still Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians or whatever the current enemy is.

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 14 points 1 day ago (1 children)

He's not wrong.

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 4 points 1 day ago (5 children)

If an obviously Nazi social network has such an influence on elections, is democracy still a good system?

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 2 points 4 days ago

Borked my search providers on Windows 10. None are listed in settings and address bar won't search. Luckily duckduckgo icon to the right of address bars provides search input field. A little annoying.

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Around the Raspberry 5 or lower level from what I read. More for developers than for practical use, but then again, I don't have real world experience with it.

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 14 points 4 days ago

And MAGA merchandise

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 5 points 5 days ago

Sure, agreed. The explanation made sense, not their logic.

[–] Mihies@programming.dev 5 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Makes sense that way. Well, as others mentioned, leopards eating faces everywhere... Though looking from EU - there is no socialism in US in both parties. :)


'Oil and gas, Aliyev said, are “a gift of the God”'

We are doomed


I'm looking for a front light "for being seen" that can be mounted under K-Edge mount - GoPro adapter. Not looking for something heavier that illuminates the road ahead (thought I might in future). It has to e rechargeable, USB-C preferably and available in EU. Any suggestions? TIA


Well written thoughts on C#12 primary constructors. Sadly they are not really useful. At least for now.


I was always wondering this. Imagine a steep descent. What is better for brake wear - braking constantly or more powerful just at the end? Anybody knows? Goes for both rim and disc brakes


I'm considering Fiido Titan as e-bike for shopping and short distance commuting. It's hilly where I need it. Any thoughts on bike quality or anything else? From a review on YouTube it seems decent enough. TIA


Hopeful Jonas recovered after all the injuries, but I somehow doubt it that he'll be at 100% after those injuries without much time to recover. While I'm rooting for PogRog, I fear a repeat of Giro, where Pog dominated and made it boring to watch. Or perhaps Remco will kick in, but then again he was also injured and didn't do well at Dauphine. What's you take?


Eurosport started sending e-mails that they are discontinuing streaming (premium) service in favor of HBO MAX. Which is much, like 3x more expensive if you happen to watch only bicycling or some other sports and you don't care about other stuff. Even more odd is that they were sending e-mails like a couple of weeks ago that they were just increasing the price. So, that's it for me watching bicycling, I guess. It's been nice while it lasted, then corporate greed took over.

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