[-] Modern_medicine_isnt@lemmy.world 13 points 10 hours ago

It even mentions 130 recorded in 2021. Like what peice of crap AI wrote this junk.

[-] Modern_medicine_isnt@lemmy.world 2 points 10 hours ago

You would be surprised how often parts need to be replaced in a data center. There is a lot more than severs in there to make all this happen. Then you need the device to read it on, and the infrastructure to get the bits to you... a lot of plastic in all that which won't break down for a very line time too.

The long and the short of it is that we live in a society of different people who enjoy different things. Nearly everything is a trade off of some sort. Some people value the enjoyment they get from fireworks more than others. Some hate it. That is true of litterally everything. I strongly dislike the keeping of pets on anything smaller than a farm. But I don't tell people they shouldn't have pets. Being part of a society means living with a mix of things you like and don't. And the society determines what is so commonly disliked that it should be not allowed by the law. Now many will say the fireworks are illegal in a lot of places. Yes so is speeding. Our system has three parts, the laws, the enforcement, and the penalties. Enforcement of fireworks laws are often pretty lax, same with speeding. And the penalties are almost always purely monetary. So society has said it doesn't really care that much about fireworks. And the large number of people who use them and who show up to fireworks shows backs that up.

I'll disagree on the "most veterans" part. The people who I know who fire off the most and biggest fireworks are vets. They seem to be more comfortable around explosives, or just more used to it. I don't know which.

The materials to make the servers don't come from nowhere. And the processes to get those materials are often very polluting.

We should let corps buy a star on the official flag with the money they should have paid in taxes each year.

I use the browser search to highlight the word I want to ignore on the page so I can quickly scroll through and ignore those items. It sucks that I have to do that, but at least it helps a bit.

I am starting to doubt your credentials. When a salaried employee works 44 hours, it costs the same as when they work 40. And the tougher the economy, the more work you can squeeze out of each person. And no, even in this economy people will leave, not everyone will hang onto thier jobs. And it will be the ones who refuse free overtime that go. This is even amazons well known work model. Only they enforce required firings to take it a step further.

The shift was around 2018 or so. It was talked about on qa forums and conferences. It likely was talked about at conferences that management go to, but I can't confirm that. It seems like you must work in a specialized industry. 1 QA to 4 devs is about the standard. And they keep up by cutting corners. The effort required to creat test automation to test a feature is on par with the effort to create the feature. And then you have to add in old tests that need to be maintained. No way one person can cover 4 and not cut corners.

The company that takes the risks gets the product out before those that don't. And the ones who get lucky not to have a major thing tank them win in the end. That is just how the system works.

So I know layoffs don't make revenue go up. But in your previous comment you said revenue drives the stock price.

You are so sure of yourself, anyone who disagrees must be an idiot. And you then miread what they are saying because they must be idiots.

But at this point you have just validated what I am saying. You said there is no metric for covid. Correct it was people perceived evaluation that drove the price. Which is what I have said all along. Everyone can see the numbers, so the numbers no longer matter. When you buy a stock, you are betting others will too, but for a higher price. And if you both have the same numbers, then it isn't numbers that would make the difference, it is perception.

I can answer for him/her. He/she isn't a polotician, nor appointed by them. So he/she is more qualified to not exaggerate the truth to make newspaper headlines. And clearly he/she can read.

Diarrhea and constipation are on separate ends of the scale. But both are the same in that they are shit, and no one wants them.


The wife and I are getting older. We have been working for decades at this point. But we are too young to retire, and we had kids late. But one of us could totally switch over to a lower stress second career. Ideally something with benefits, maybe even a chance to get a pension. And since we still have kids, needs to be flexible. One of our kids has autism, so lots of random doctors appointment and stuff.
We both work with computers all day. What are some good options for a second career that doesn't need to have long term growth potential. We have 8 years where ideally both of us are working so we can cover each other with benefits if something happens. After that, the kids are out of high school at least. So it isn't like it would be a "short" term career/job. Just not a 30 year thing. And ideally, something that could at least partially be done at home.


Newberg has been the center of a political maelstrom over the last few years, beginning with a conservative majority on the school board banning political symbols, pointedly targeting Black Lives Matter and Pride flags.

The same school board abruptly ousted Phillips' predecessor, Superintendent Joe Morelock, in March 2022. They hired Phillips a few months later, despite the fact that he was coming off a string of controversies connected to his work in other Oregon districts.

The guy the conservative school board appointed superintendent to own the libs, turned out to suck at his job. At least the people were smart enough to vote out the conservative school board. But sounds like they were too late.


Could the blue states just ignore orders from the white house? Like if he orders them to round up illegal aliens? What could trump do about it?


I know the board has some fiduciary duty, but can a company put some guardrails on it when they go public, like saying the environment will always come first, or employees or customers or something?


It's been a grey winter, and looking to stay that way. I work remote, so I was thinking of getting an SAD light. But I remember from years ago when I had one (and worked in an office) that if I put it next to my monitor it gave me a headache and made my monitor hard to see. Those of you using SAD lights, where do you put them, how long do you use them per day and all that?


of course he suggested $1


When I am in Jerboa on any device (phone, tablet, pc) and I go to my profile and click on posts... it is empty. Yet I have of course made posts. Is there something I need to do to get it to save my posts? Comments has my comments.


what movie has the greatest turnaround. Like all hope is lost, people are fleeing or whatever, and something happens, then everyone rallies and of course wins the day.
Its in tons of movies, usually pretty cheesy. But there must be some that do it right. What are they?


my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?

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