Console cheat codes
~~Tomater~~ Brainer
picture.onclick = eval(picture.onclick.toString().replace("/tomato.png", ""))
Tomato minigun
for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++) window.clearInterval(i);f = eval(updateTomato.toString().replace("return;", "pictureContainer.removeChild(tomato);return"));picture.onclick = eval(picture.onclick.toString().replace("updateTomato(tomato);", "f(tomato);"));setInterval(() => { document.querySelectorAll(".tomato").forEach(f); }, 10);picture.onmousemove = picture.onclick
Slow-mo tomato
for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++) window.clearInterval(i);f = eval(updateTomato.toString().replace("2.0", "0.3").replace("tomato.angularMomentum", "1"));picture.onclick = eval(picture.onclick.toString().replace("updateTomato(tomato);", "f(tomato);"));setInterval(() => { document.querySelectorAll(".tomato").forEach(f); }, 10);
I was thinking about making cheat codes for all your pages, but the tomato one just took me an embarrassing amount of time to work around.
Congratulations, you’ve successfully stressed me out. Just kidding, nice page OP :)
I’ve written a console cheat code for it, hopefully OP won’t patch it (・∀・)