I can't help but feel it looks like he was slapped by a banana or something, his face is slightly curved in some weird way
This was, also, my first programming language ever. Oh the memories of typing it in from one of those books on the one computer we had in our classroom..
No, MY name is Mud- oh, wait, yeah, carry on.
That's the spirit!
If it doesn't immediately spark the interest to buy it, go ahead and wait for it to go on sale. It sounds like you may have buyers' remorse if it ends up not being your thing and you pay full price.
I got one cheaper on eBay, but it was broken "for parts" that I knew how to fix it cheaply, so really just how much you really, really want one
This is an IT job in a nutshell
That part really bothered me, especially Linus' words in the WAN show showing a complete disregard for the company and then auctioning off something they didn't even own. I know if they were in America they'd likely be sued for defamation or something, I swear. If I were a company in that position I wouldn't trust Linus with anything at all.
Fun to watch once, but definitely not a "rewatch every Christmas" kind of fun movie. So much bad crap just happens over and over again and it just doesn't feel like a happy story!
Not only will they find it, they'll end up going to the sketchier sites that don't do the age verification because they're not well known enough and not following the laws and they'll likely get something infected on the computer/network or worse.
Utility usage? Pull up the last 6 months of, like, water use (since you need to have water so it's a solid metric).
Pistol/pistol condi flaming mech, feels like I do stupid amounts of damage and no real problem surviving by just dodging intelligently. Then I go to wvw and get shat on.