This way they can scrape the bottom of the barrel salary wise


I'll admit I've drifted off Lemmy the last month or so.. content was a bit repetitive and felt like just an echo chamber of the same ideas. I didn't go back to Reddit, Reddit lost me to tiktok it turns out.

Jumped back on now and so many more posts have inspired me to comment. I'm a comment contributor generally but I wasn't feeling it.

Anyway.. just wanted to pop in and say I'm really enjoying it. Not that I was ever going anywhere but this is a great trajectory

a coin trying to be as complex as possible, without really doing anything that you paid money for.

Sums up the state of crypto pretty well

Then xp to vista happened and it looked pretty but was unusable. Then 7 came out and it solved all the BS and was a relief. Then 8 came out and it looked pretty but was unusable. Nobody is quite sure what happened with 9 but 10 was ok I guess, better than 8. Then I started using Linux because I was sick of the bullshit.


Ancient Rome's debut, Romulus, Remus, they knew, City's birth in view.

Monarchy did start, Seven kings ruled, played their part, Republic's fresh chart.

Power to the plebs, Senators and their webs, Cicero's wise pleads.

Conquests, Punic Wars, Carthage fell, triumphant roars, Empire's first great doors.

Julius Caesar's fame, Brutus and the Senate's aim, Ides of March's claim.

Augustus did rise, Pax Romana's grandest prize, Empire's steady ties.

Trajan, Hadrian's reign, Empire's borders did sustain, Height it would attain.

Christianity's spread, Persecutions widespread, Faith the martyrs bled.

Invasions, turmoil, Huns, Visigoths, Roman soil, Empire's slow uncoil.

476 AD's fate, Odoacer's conquest state, Western Empire's weight.

Byzantium's gate, Constantinople, strong, great, Eastern Empire's fate.

Justinian's name, Hagia Sophia's fame, Empire's legal claim.

Arab-Byzantine strife, Crusades brought further life, Empire's later life.

1453's fall, Ottoman Turks did enthral, Byzantine's final call.

Rome's history vast, Kingdom, Republic, held fast, Empire's echoes cast.

[-] 53 points 10 months ago

Making an investment out of a necessity is immoral any way you cut it.

Health should be public.

Food needs to turn a profit, that's understandable, but also food food is not finite where the rich can hoard it all... Or maybe that's their next thing 🤔 nah won't happen because it's perishable

[-] 39 points 10 months ago

It never says anywhere that he pays for it. I guess that's why it's only corporate restaurants


Not affiliated with these guys, just a fan and this is a great doco. Understand its not the exact target of this community but hopefully those interested will find this interesting as well

[-] 36 points 10 months ago

Oh yeah

This is the year


This is one of my favourite YouTube channels at the moment. Really high quality medium form documentaries. I particularly love this episode. They are growing but still pretty small.

Big chunker (

Not a pimple but still an extraction

[-] 35 points 10 months ago

Fuck spez. Why isn't he doing more psycho shit like Elon so he can move more people to Lemmy.

[-] 33 points 11 months ago

Get that app outta your phones mouth

[-] 53 points 11 months ago

This thread imploded way quicker than I expected

[-] 53 points 11 months ago

Joe Rogan is an idiot and can just fuck right off

[-] 36 points 11 months ago

There was a quote attributed to Lao Tzu I saw on tiktok the other day, and I was pretty damn sure it was nowhere in the Tao Te Ching, but I was curious if there was some weird translation out there I wasn't aware of.

The conversation went EXACTLY like this. Like down to the word.

[-] 38 points 11 months ago

Fuck Lemmy is unexpectedly wholesome


Was thinking this after a rough landing today

Only in Australia (
Server stats etc (

Hey, one thing that has confused me a bit about Lemmy is just how bad it seems to be at handling any traffic at all.

Do you have any stats on how many request per second etc you are getting? I saw the thread the other day with your 24cpu server and the graphs and figure if anyone has a bit of a handle on it, if figure this community can work it out.

Like, if its just doing a couple of database reads and (from what i can tell I'm on mobile) just serving a JSON API to a single page JavaScript application, why is it so hard on the server?

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joined 1 year ago