Wrong wrong wrong. Was this made by an Aussie? No mention of the fact Tuis like to get drunk af. And where is the Weka? Aka Kiwi with balls.
joined 4 months ago
TLDR Idk I just change the extension of a file 👌
Yeah only assholes buy telsa’s
Such a stupid good movie. Better with every rewatch.
Sssht. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.
Bro… it’s awesome.
Bro… just post the link save us all a click.
Seriously fucked up
Link the OG post angry bro
Methuselah would like a word
What’s a Reddit? lol
There’s the 1/5 AfD and 1/4 Union. Maybe the westies start to take the socio economic discrepancies between them and their eastern counterparts serious.