[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 48 points 2 weeks ago

I feel people still don't understand how much a billion is. One Million dollars would still be life changing for most people here, but consider that 1 million seconds ago was 11 days ago, 1 Billion seconds ago was 31 years ago.

To put it in another perspective, a very bad investment would yield you 0.1% monthly. This means that if a billionaire was to invest money the worst way possible, he would have to spend over 1 Million dollars per month to ever decrease his fortune.

If you had an infinite money machine, that as long as you don't spend more than a million per month it just keeps on growing, would you ever work? Yeah, thought so, billionaires are the same, they might have hobbies, and those hobbies might be something others consider work, but they're not working.

I personally believe that if a person ever gets 1 Billion dollars he should receive a letter congratulating them for winning capitalism, and informing them that any cent above 1 Billion will be taxed at 99.9999% (including investments).

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 68 points 1 month ago

I really miss Emily, hope she comes back soon, but I understand her wanting to be on her own for a while, but honestly her videos were the best ones always.

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 51 points 3 months ago

Others have replied with the reasons, i.e. data vs SMS price. I would just like to comment on:

however no one on my continent uses it. Why is it so popular in the EU and other parts of the world?

No one in your country uses it, people definitely use it on your continent. Latin America is almost 100% WhatsApp, SMS are seen as obsolete there, even if you meant North America Mexico uses WhatsApp. I think the only countries in the world that use SMS are the US and Canada, which coincidentally are the only countries I've visited where I had to worry about running out of data on my phone.

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 55 points 4 months ago

It's a normal thing to ask in an interview, I ask the same every time, so far I've always gotten one, after all most things I work with require Windows machine to have WSL anyways, so might as well cut one layer.

That being said it all comes down to how you ask it and how valuable you are, if a junior said "I only work with Linux, either you give me a Linux box or I won't take the job" you might be cut from the race by HR before any person who even understands what you're asking gets to see you because you're being inflexible. If on the other hand you're a senior and go through the interview and at the end when you get to the questions ask what's the policy for OS on work machines, you're much more likely to get the answer you're looking for. That is unless you're working for a Windows specific program, which obviously will need a Windows box, and not many companies are willing to give you two PCs.

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 47 points 7 months ago

The more I read about this lawsuit the less sense it makes. Apple has an actual monopoly, you can't side-load things, nor have different app stores installed, but that's okay, yet Google where the only downside is that you get a popup saying "apps outside the store might contain malware and are not verified by Google" is on the wrong? Does that mean that Google should close themselves more to be legally right? If it is because iOS also makes the hardware does that mean that this is okay on Pixel phones and that on every other phone the manufacturer will need to remove the warning? This result is honestly very confusing and infuriating, the only platform outside of PC that was in any meaningful way open was the only one that lost, yet iOS, PlayStation and Xbox can continue being monopolies when none of them even allows to install third-party apps.

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 47 points 7 months ago

When it comes to abortion however, I do believe that it's a tricky situation ethically. I'm pro-choice, but I say that with difficulty, because considering both sides it's not an easy position and I see it as much more ethically complex than the issue of unnecessary animal exploitation. That's because I think you can make the argument that either forcing a person to undergo pregnancy, or terminating the life of an (admittedly unconscious, undeveloped) fetus, are in both cases breaching a sentient (or would-be sentient) individual's negative (protective) right.

I'm going to answer this, because if we remove the ethical dilemma you have everything else is meaningless.

The right to bodily autonomy is essentially absolute in most people's moral compass, let's give an example: imagine a fully grown adult was in a car accident, completely out of his control, he lost a lot of blood and his kidneys were damaged, you are a match to him, and he will 100% die unless you donate blood and one kidney, in that scenario: should the government be able to force you to donate your kidney and blood?

There is no question that the person will die if you don't, there is no doubt the person is a human being, there's no doubt you'll survive the procedure and live a normal life afterwards, yet the vast majority of people would agree that the government should not be able to force you, because we recognise that a person's right to their own body triumphs over other people's right to that person's body. Applying the same logic to a Fetus is straightforward, even if it was a person, it wouldn't have a higher right to your body than you do, there's no moral dilemma there just like there isn't one in the kidney situation.

In the unlikely event that you think the government should in fact be able to force you to donate your kidney, it means you value life above bodily autonomy, the logical next step is that as long as it saves more than one life it's okay for the government to kill you, e.g. if your heart and lungs are compatible with two people who will die without them, then it should kill you to get them because obviously saving two lives is better than saving one.

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 52 points 8 months ago

What is a worker's union?

A group of workers that act together for mutual benefit

How does it internally work?

Each can organise in its own wat

How can a union make the affiliated company do stuff to benefit the union(why can"t a company just say: f*ck off to their demands)?

Because there's a large difference between the bargaining power a single employee has than all of them together. If one employee says "give me the weekend off or I stop working" the company will fire him, lose a small bit of productivity temporarily, hire one guy and have someone train him, in a short while they're up again to the same productivity level and that's that. If all of the workers say at the same time "give us the weekend off or we stop working" the company can't fire everyone, I mean, they can, but it will take them a long time to hire the same amount of people, then hire external people to train them, then wait until they get up to speed and produce the same amount of work the previous guys did, and in the meantime they produce 0 so they're burning money and missing deadlines... In other words, it's cheaper for the company to talk to the union than it is to have to fire everyone.

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 52 points 8 months ago

I'm as much a believer that Linux can get better performance than Windows because the less bloat, the best example is Blender which works almost twice as fast on Linux. That being said 25% increase on a game running on wine seems fishy.

Your video did not play correctly, also you didn't synced properly between the two at the start so it's hard to compare that both have the same settings, and on the screen at the end it shows windows is running in full screen and Linux in Borderless, not sure if this should make a difference but showcases that not every setting is the same. After the video crashed for the first time I skipped a bit ahead and saw that at one point you put the screen half-half, that's a good approach, but I also noticed that the right side had a character the left side didn't right at the start, that means that Wine is failing to render some stuff, or disabling some features which is usually what's happening when you get this massive performance differences, so the comparison might not be valid. An example would be if DXVK ray tracing implementation bounces the light less times than DX12 does, it would be almost indistinguishable but would have a performance boost (at which point my question would be to show me the benefits of bouncing the light more, but that's my opinion and not a technical analysis).

In any case, great video, even if something is different I couldn't see any significant difference in the screen when doing the side-by-side, and I don't think people who claim Linux is always worse would even know of the possibility of wine lacking some implementation therefore not rendering that.

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 49 points 9 months ago

Others have already answered your specific points, which are all (sort of) possible on Windows. I would like to present a quick list of things are not possible on Windows, this is split in 3 parts: Truly impossible, Possible but so convoluted it might as well be impossible, and possible but much harder than what it should.

Truly Impossible

  • Choose your preferred program for things. Sure you can do it for simple stuff like text or video, but what about my graphical interface backend, my file explorer or my DE.
  • Choose your disk format. Again you can use an incredible array of (I think) 3 formats, and while I also only use ext4 on Linux I know BTRFS is there for me if I ever want to switch to a modern filesystem.
  • Customise your system. Again people are going to claim that this is possible on Windows via regedit, but it's not on the same level, I can't have a Windows version stripped of controller support or wireless support if I know I'll never plug a controller or a wireless card on the machine.
  • Upgrade every single component of your system in one go. Because the way programs are installed on Windows you need to upgrade each one on its own.
  • Fix issues with the system, say you found a bug on Linux if you have the expertise you can 100% fix it, on Windows the best you can do is report it and hope for the best.

Almost impossible

  • Using a tiling window manager
  • Virtual desktops that actually work

Harder than what it should

  • Customise Super+ commands
  • Prevent auto updates
[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 49 points 10 months ago

Short answer: AMD

Long answer: AMD used to be very bad, NVIDIA has always been the same, i.e. if you're willing to use proprietary drivers it works, but it has some hiccups. A while back AMD open source their drivers so the game turned around, nowadays they're very easy and compatible from what I've heard. I've used NVIDIA for over a decade, but my next card Winn be AMD for sure.

PS: if you're still in doubt, the latest Linux kernel purposefully broke the NVIDIA proprietary driver because NVIDIA has been copyright infringing the Linux kernel by using functions that are considered so integral to the kernel that if you have to use them you work should be considered derivative and be bounded by GPL licence.

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 54 points 10 months ago

Your GPU is very weak, and because it was a budget card back in the day it doesn't have support for a "new" technology called Vulkan which is an alternative to OpenGL.

Vulkan is used by Proton (you can think of it as a Windows emulator, even though it's not exactly an emulator) to convert DirectX calls to something native. Without Vulkan Proton needs to convert DirectX to OpenGL which loses a lot more performance, and in the case of newer games (ones that use DirectX 12) it's not possible.

So it really depends on what games you want to play, realistically I don't think you're playing anything with DirectX12 because those games are all newer than your card, so I don't think your GPU would support them even in Windows.

I would say give it a go in a separate partition/disk/thumb drive and see how it goes. I don't think the experience of gaming will be good for you, but I can't imagine the rest of the PC has good specs if that's the GPU, so day to day might be a lot more comfortable on Linux without windows hogging down resources.

[-] Nibodhika@lemmy.world 45 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm a backend server programmer, and although I have never worked on reddit I can imagine the conversation a few years back:

Dev A: How do we implement private? Should each post have a private flag or do we join on the subreddit to get it?

Dev B: that join might be heavy for the front page since we might have several different subreddits, a flag in each post is faster.

Dev A: But that means that whenever a subreddit goes private we need to flag all of the posts there

Dev B: yeah, but that doesn't happen often, the front page gets accessed millions of times, most subreddits never change status, especially larger ones.

Dev A: I guess you're right, even a large subreddit will be done in minutes, what are the odds of several large subreddits going private at the same time?

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