[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 189 points 8 months ago

What? You voted to support someone ELSE'S freedom?


[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 28 points 8 months ago

It's not a subtle ad. Google has sold the top slots of your search to companies in exchange for money.

When your search for "Excel", Google doesn't try to find you the most relevant result. They find you the highest paying ad, and then what you're searching for.

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 28 points 8 months ago

Seriously, I don't know why this is news.

Wait, yes I do, half the population is stupid.

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 27 points 8 months ago

"That's not how the market works."

I've had to have this conversation so many times I feel like I'm losing my mind. Like I need to write a manifesto or blog post that I can reference instead of rewriting it every time.

Markets are not moral.

Market forces are like physical forces - we observe them and use that knowledge to predict the outcomes of situations. But by the same token we need to have a moral framework underpinning the way we use the knowledge, or else we will destroy the world.

Justifying low wages by saying "people are willing to take the job" is just saying "people would rather do this job than be homeless, starve, or be poor_er_."

I, personally, am fundamentally not okay with an economy that is fully supported by workers essentially being coerced into working from fear of death or despair.

We look at the nuclear bomb and the damage it caused and say "that was bad, let's not do that". But we look at inflation, wealth accumulation, class warfare, rampant shameless greed, and don't immediately see the cause/effect relationship.

Now the conversation about some work being harder, more unpleasant, more stressful, or more valuable than other work is an important one. But in my mind the important part is removing the coersion.

If people had their basic needs met and didn't fear starvation or homeless, I bet employers would have to give their workers a better shake in order to keep things running.

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 41 points 8 months ago


This is the thing people don't understand about a ubi.

I had a coworker who's wife was a... Case manager? For welfare. Her whole job was determining whether or not people were lying/exaggerating about various elements of their claim.

First of all, government union paper pushers make decent money. There was an entire office full of people that covered cases in their region only.

Second, it's a soul sucking job. Her primary assumption was that everyone was cheating and lying and she needed to minimize everyone's payout.

UBI solves both of those things and by plugging it directly into the tax system people can be free to try to earn a better living, which studies have shown most people want when they are given a UBI.

Increased productivity, increased employment, increased entrepreneurship, increased mental health outcomes, there is literally no downside except for needing to tax the rich.

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 30 points 9 months ago

That's because the manager is incentivized to not help you, while the union is incentivized to help you.

Unions are game-theoretically necessary.

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 28 points 9 months ago

If you don't like the price hikes CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION.

Stop with all the belly aching. They cancel all the good shows early anyway. I killed my sub years ago and it's been a great choice.


I don't think I could ever play without a jetpack. Ingot density helps solve so many logistical issues. Higher tech recipes making some things more efficient gives the game a really fun sense of progression.

That's outside of just liking all the puzzles it adds to the game.

Anyone feel similar? Different?

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 41 points 9 months ago

In Gaben we trust.

When he's gone I assume it will go to shit.

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 32 points 10 months ago

No, you're not understanding.

They save money by only producing the luxury model. Then they disable the feature electronically.

But to prevent you from just jailbreaking the car, they need to have a system to monitor your status. So they need to be able to check and update software that you can't control, etc etc.

It's still greed, but it's like greed with extra steps.

People were objecting to the subscription, but they should have been objective to the locked features.

They'll never stop the shitification, it maximizes profit.

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 25 points 10 months ago

So does any single streaming service.

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 26 points 11 months ago

Yeah, "the economy" doesn't mean anything.

More commerce just means more money changing hands. Unemployment rate just measures jobs. None of this impacts the average person.

Buying power is down and has been dropping for longer than I've been alive. This especially impacts the low and vanishing middle class Americans.

[-] Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world 27 points 11 months ago

As I get older I begin to realize that people love to work.

However people hate being treated like shit.

Treating people like shit or building an environment that supports shitty behavior poisons the well and will absolutely make people leave, even for a pay cut.

If you just respect people and properly value them and their contributions to your organization, you'll never have trouble keeping them.

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