
joined 1 week ago
[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 83 points 4 days ago (4 children)

"This disaster has rung a big alarm for Sino-Metals Leach and the mining industry," [says company directly responsible.]

Yeah, no it hasn't. This isn't the first mining dam to fail with consequences. It won't be the last. No one at that company is losing sleep over this.

Both mines have now halted their operations after orders from Zambian authorities, while many Zambians are angry.

Gotta let it die down. Placate the masses. Then back to business as usual.

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Realistically, this makes no difference.

Denying Tesla the sale of a second car to a second person makes no difference because they already got the first sale of the first car? Pretty sure Tesla would prefer to sell two cars instead of one, and get the profit directly. There is an assumption here that the original buyer (who sold the car) went and bought another Tesla, which is in conflict with the other poster saying people should sell their Tesla (as it move away from the brand).

The only ones who will buy Teslas now are conservatives and they will buy new ‘just to show support for Musk’.

So, let them. It's still not getting Tesla what they ultimately want -- money -- long as the original owner doesn't buy a Tesla themselves.

Subscriptions might be an argument that Tesla could still profit, but then the question is where/how do they profit more from ownership?

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 19 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

The GMC Hummer EV Pickup Truck has entered the chat.

205-kWh capacity battery [three times the size in a crossover], still gets only 275 miles [2023 version].

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Money can't buy you happiness. But it can damn well enable it.

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

YouTube ProZD

Anime Character: "I'm just a little baby girl."

ProZD: "Zero [years old]?!"

Anime Character: "I'm a thousand!"

ProZD: "NOPE."

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Well, we don't usually see a Day in the Life of a Normally Functioning Transporter. It'd make for a pretty boring episode. It's kind of like "Well, where ARE the bathrooms on the ship? What do they look like? How do they work? Do they also use the three seashells?" I mean, getting an answer might be mildly interesting, but really... do we need to see the space toilet? They only kind of got value out of complaining about a lack of showers on Voyager.

Transporters are perfectly safe, and we just see those ultra rare times when they aren't.

No, what you should really worry about is whether it's you that arrives on the other end of that transporter or not. Is there a soul? Does it survive? What is actually transmitted down to the planet? What makes you you, basically? Some people find that line of thought the stuff of nightmares.

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

2020: "I can't believe they fell for that. Oh, well, they chose better next time. Let's give them a chance."

2024: "...Yeah, they're just fucking dumb. Countless countries would have loved a chance to get rid of a shitstain like that without needing a violent revolt and the United States just... invited him back into office. Just... so fucking dumb."

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

May the Lord Flying Spaghetti Monster keep you and protect you, good sir.

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

Funny thing was they introduced the "filter out subreddits you don't like" feature just before all that... and I was against that feature. Echo chambers were already a thing, why introduce a feature that'd only make it worse? Then /r/the_dick came along and they were the only subreddit I tossed into that feature because you know what, a broken clock really is right twice a day.

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 45 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Here's the thing... there's more of us than there are of them. That's why they're so desperate to keep our collective attention elsewhere and to cause division or people might recognize just how strong they could be collectively.

Even collectively we might not have billions of dollars, but it doesn't take billions to crater a company or an industry. Just takes not paying into the system; it'll collapse on its own.

I get you can't boycott everything because you need food and water to survive, but people aren't helpless.

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

"Gas is too high! Why doesn't the President just pull the lever to make them not high?!"

Biden releases strategic reserves to lower prices.

"Ye-- Ye-- Well, the price of eggs is too fucking high. Pull that lever! I dare you!"

Hm, we don't have a strategic egg supply to make simple people happy. This will be a challenge...

Trump claims he'll lower it by getting elected. How? Who the fuck knows and no one cares.

"Why aren't the prices lower yet?!"

Well, gosh, it couldn't have to do with a complex system where there aren't magic levers one just pulls to make things happen... Guess it's Trump's fault. What's good for the goose (Biden) is good for the gander (Trump), after all.

[–] OnASnowyEvening@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago

"The prices need to be this high!" /insert picture of sieg heil/

Petah says, "Unlike a carnival ride, 'this high' is literally over one's head. As in, we're in over our heads."

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