Yes… let’s erase women off the face of the earth, I’m sure everything will be great once we have nothing but a sausage fest making all the decisions for everyone. Because history has shown us that this works well … the level of stupidity and passiveness as this is happening is astounding. So I assume we are now also calling men adult boys?
joined 1 month ago
Respectful and firm as he rolls over and licks trump’s boots.
I think it depends which province you’re in, I’m in Quebec and food is very cheap compared to in Alberta - went visiting family and I could not believe how expensive everything was and this was before trump was even president again.
He’s projecting how weak and how fast he would cave. As if they aren’t colluding to fool the part of the populace that’s stupid enough to believe this.
Probably a bunch of Russians or bots
Why don’t you go post on an American social media site instead
I might just do that thanks
No worries - I unsubscribed I’d rather have more Canadian related news.
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What a crock of shit!
This is so unrealistic and the opinions of people who are gravely uneducated about the process of building housing. You can tell from listening to them that not one has ever built anything.
Housing might be a human right to an extent but the labour of others is not a human right.
I know the current sentiment is that landlords bad - whatever.
The one thing people seem to miss in this narrative is that yes a carpenter, electrician, plumber and so forth do contribute to building housing but the one thing they have in common is that they don’t work for free.
Then people forget that building materials don’t magically appear by wishing for them. It’s an entire of chain of thousands upon thousands of people working together to bring all the raw materials to production and transform them into the building materials you’ll use to build said housing. That requires effort, power, expensive machinery, and a lot of money because once again everyone down the chain doesn’t work for free.
People don’t want to pay exorbitant taxes to fund public housing either and it’s not feasible long term because housing has ongoing costs and if it’s public housing they have so many more rules and regulations to follow which brings the cost of maintenance up. The conservatives cut funding to public housing because it costs too much and we were in a big deficit at the time.
Developers don’t build housing without investors and here we are doing a full circle right back to landlords which are the investors that pay for all that labour and materials at market rate.
Why should anyone down the chain or landlords who have to make enough to cover all the expenses of maintenance (which isn’t cheap) take a pay cut so some entitled tenant can get housing that’s not for profit? Even if it wasn’t for profit rent would still go up because the labor, cost of materials, taxes, insurance and so many other services go up all the time.
When you’re a landlord, you’re actually a businessperson, not a charity or public housing. Landlords are supposed to be charging enough rent so that you can maintain the house so it is livable, and also to take care of house infrastructure that supports the ability of people to live there.
Most people aren’t low income earners they just want more of their money for themselves which is a fair desire but you can’t expect to live in downtown Toronto - have access to all the amenities of the best parts of the city at a dime, because a lot of people want access to that and are willing to pay for it. You pay for what you get. You want to save your money make some sacrifices, cook all your meals at home, get a roommate(s), go move to a small town where rent is cheap or shut up with your whining. It’s not a landlords problem if a tenant is financially illiterate, educate yourself and do the work.
Without landlords a lot of you would still be living with your parents if you’re unable to afford to buy. You aren’t entitled to someone’s lifelong labour and savings for free or access to their housing for free. Owning an income property is a business not a charity.
It’s not a private sector problem to solve public sector issues. You better be willing to pay a lot more taxes for more public housing. Either way you’re going to pay. Nothing is free <— period