Pinephone, linux on smartphones isn't ready and this won't change any time soon.
Gas engines have decent range. Gas engines are cheaper (as the electric engine prices are artificially inflated, just look at Chinese prices), with gas engines you can listen to the sound of the engine to diagnose problems before they occur, batteries don't degrade (you still have car batteries, but when they degrade, you can still drive a car for as long as with the new battery. You can refuel it in a couple of seconds. Anyone can make one sided arguments. There isn't a best thing for everything.
That's why nonverbal (and sometimes speaking) autistic people are considered stupid even by professionals.
Dead bodies probably, as they spread diseases.
I think most autistic people do, but other people don't accept us.
No, the examiner acused me of having an intelectual disability, just because I'm autistic.
Me a day after
Why join a navy when you can be a pinate.
This should be 3 months before, because pregnancy is 9 not 12 months.
Every other balkan country except the one i live in.
Finaly. This should be done in every country, since they are so unhealthy.
We in EU also have AC, what's the difference?