Den ganzen Wahlkampf der Grünen hat sich darum gedreht wie notwendig es doch sei die Schuldenbremse zu lockern und dass die demokratische Mitte zusammenhalten muß, und jetzt spielen sie die beleidigte Sojawurst.
joined 1 week ago
EU responds to unjustified US steel and aluminium tariffs with countermeasures, which will go into effect from April 1.
A free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
I have speedport smart 3 router with 1&1 versatel. When i let the nameserver get retrieved automatically from 1&1 it only uses versatel dns servers in Germany. When i enter fixed primary and secondary DNS IPs from the nameservers, however shows that it uses google cloud servers in washington. So i rather stick with the 1&1 DNS.
We should tax the US propaganda imports.