[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I wonder how much Epic games makes at the end of the day. most companies that do stuff like this operate at a huge loss, functioning only through investment capital until they starve out their competition and become the head of a monopoly at which point their investors become even more pointlessly wealthy. However I believe this works so often because those competitors are also operating off of investor capital and eventually their investors decide to sell out and switch teams to get some of their investment back. How does this work with Valve? Unlike companies previously discussed Valve is a privately held company and has control over their own company, as evidenced by the fact that they seem to make discissions in favor of long term goals instead of short term profits, a concept that has grown foreign to the US market. On top of the fact they are currently the leader in online game sales, I'm unsure how epic can justify, what i would assume, is a huge sum of money constantly paying for exclusives. Maybe im wrong and the pie is so large Epic is currently operating financially soundly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Regardless we should all be happy that this market is not a clear cut monopoly, competition is a consumer win.

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 1 points 4 days ago

Yup, well said. Woke just means liberal agenda to them, its cancel culture, blm, antifa, DEI. They completely missed the original context of the word before their media started using it as a catchall.

"you didn't listen to us when we said what it meant" we did, you just ignored us when we laughed about how that is never what it meant to us, and you think seeing a few stupid liberal posts on twitter being re-shared in your bubble as representative of every liberal....

Personally I'm capable of recognizing different states of a subject, i.e. what the word originally meant, and what it means to conservatives today, and i can compare them and see the differences, its like a super power lol...

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 2 points 4 days ago

Here is your chance, what does the word mean?

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 6 points 6 days ago

Woke is just another meaningless label to them. It's the same as liberal, or BLM, or antifa, as in they don't understand what it is, but they hate it. Then they just call whatever they don't like by one of those labels and their dogs all go rabid. Bunch of fucking sheep...

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 4 points 6 days ago

he's flash over substance

Yeah, his audience is somewhere around the 10-16 demo I imagine. Needs something engaging or they'll move on. I imagine the idea is if he can get them a bit interested young that they might pursue stem, and then do the actual substance there.

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 49 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The god damn FDA and its war on...

....checks notes...

Sunshine and Exercise!

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 67 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It pisses me off to no end that what is CLEARLY shown as a 90degree angle is not in fact 90deg, I hate it when they do that.

Also I will sadly admit this can teach people lessons about verifying the information themselves.


[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 54 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Here is a fun narrative I imagine when I see stuff like this.

Some poor asshole who is struggling to pay off student loans and thus has no luxury in job opportunities, sadly accepts a job as a rag company like this. Their boss, who lives in similar conditions sadly tells them that they need to write a hit piece of Simone for "corporate overlords demand a blood sacrifice" both the writer and manager hate themselves in this interaction. Then the writer finds the article from his own company about Simone Biles parents abandoning her and feels sad he has to shit on someone who life has already shit on enough. Finishes the article, goes home, gets the alert on his phone its published, logs onto his burner account to post the context on the article he himself wrote just so he can have any level of control over his life.

Sort of like a Rube Goldberg machine of this guy

this guy

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 41 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Those Capitalist of the Gilded Age were fucking amateurs compared to the billionaires of the modern day, where propaganda has been distilled down to a science, and is being force fed to everyone every day at every angle.

They wish they had the tools we're unraveling society with today.

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 43 points 7 months ago

You gotta grab the courts by their judges, when your rich enough they let you do it.

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 51 points 7 months ago

FYI Androids have a feature for this. If you are ever forced to interact with a cop you can press the side button and volume up(might be different on other phones) to select lockdown which will force your phone to only be opened with the password. Its gross that we need this feature, but now you know.

[-] PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee 94 points 1 year ago

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

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