Lucky centers on a young woman (Taylor-Joy) who left behind the life of crime she was raised in years ago, but must now embrace her darker, criminal side one final time in a desperate attempt to escape her past.
Outside looks fine, kind of like the minority report cars.
The inside looks like a fucking egg carton.
I first saw this on wendigoon I think. Love stuff like this!
Hello ladies, I'm legacy code nobody wants to refactor and is being slowly converted into microservices.
Heaven forfend they have to Google 2 words to learn about another culture
Konami mentioned?
Now I say that out loud I see how it could be mis-taken..
Give it to us raw and wrrrriggling
I look forward to them trying to DDOS that address
Your personal right to not spread germs is being taken away.
And the idiots cheer for it. It really is unfathomable.
UK parlance
"fag" = cigarette "Gay" = happy/good times "Queer" = odd or unusual
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joined 1 year ago
It does a red icon when a collision is detected too, very handy