[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 3 points 3 hours ago

I don’t want to be stupid or immature or conformist enough to fit in, I could just use more irl friends that are interesting.

[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 4 points 3 hours ago

I dress a little weird, but it’s very colorful and fashionable in an idiosyncratic way.

[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 4 points 3 hours ago

I don’t like labels. Call me NB or whatever you want if I like it.

I definitely got ADHD and I got most of the ASD symptoms among other things, though I don’t have that much social difficulty? I just don’t fit in anywhere.

[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 4 points 3 hours ago

I super lucky too, but I still “have to” shave legs.

[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 4 points 3 hours ago

I have definitely thought about the label non binary woman

Yeah, I like [trans]fem NB/NB-girl. I usually just go neutral tho.

[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 6 points 3 hours ago

I have heard that many autistic people end up agender or sometimes none biney =)

Why can’t nuerotypicals see through the bullshit. I guess like ADHDers seeing through capitalism. Neurotypicals are silly. Being molded by society (Ik we’re all made by our material conditions).

[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 3 points 4 hours ago

Phantom hair is weird. Love my current cut tho.

[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 7 points 4 hours ago

It’s ok, I’m not one to talk, but you’re overthinking it. Since you care to be perceived well, you probably will [ at least eventually]. I don’t know what it’s like to be a woman and I don’t know what I want to be, but we’re all just figuring things out as we go. cat-trans

[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 7 points 5 hours ago

I have spent my entire life analyzing how I need to act as a guy and now I'm really struggling to understand where the boundaries are and what's expected of me.

Interesting, I’ve personally never tried to conform or seem neurotypical, but I think I can tell other people’s silly gender roles?

I didn't know some no op trans women would want their genitals referred to as a clit

I think it pretty much functions as such at a certain point? People don’t want to be associated with labels used primarily by the “opposite” gender. Sex and gender are intertwined social phenomena and it can feel “cis-er” using certain terms.

Can I say I have a stupid girl brain in a jokey kind of way?

People generally don’t look down on people who self deprecate if it’s not excessive. Its fine.

Literally what is up with calling people girls vs women.

This one I get, at least in a personal way. Idk if it’s the ADHD or just being a minor or living in this society, but I’m scared of getting older and don’t like the words “woman” and “man.” They also sound bad and I don’t like gender. I like the sound of “girl” a lot better. It’s a cute word. It makes one feel young and like people care about thon.

[-] QueerCommie@hexbear.net 13 points 6 hours ago

I thrifted a flowy silk skirt, and of all my pretty clothes, it’s the best.

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