[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 58 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Apparently, assuming he's voting in Florida, for an out of state felony they use the other state's rules to determine if he can vote. For New York, you can vote unless you are in prison for a felony (people on parole can vote). So unfortunately unless he's thrown in jail, he'll probably be able to vote for himself in Florida.


But hey maybe he goes to jail for something finally. That'd be nice.

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 56 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

While I'm not saying we don't need to do more to fight income inequality, something they highlight in the report is that economic gains are more evenly distributed under democratic administrations.

Household income growth (adjusted for inflation) was faster on average and far more equal during Democratic administrations, and the Democratic advantage shows up for every group.

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 59 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

You know Osiris? Kind of like that, but it's in Israel instead of Egypt, and there's only one God, who has two different forms, one in heaven but also is a dude down on earth, until eventually it's revealed he has three different forms not just two. Also unlike with Egypt, a significant lack of animal heads, all just like normal human heads. Except the holy spirit who's like a ghost or something. Nailed it.

Wait you don't know Osiris? Crap, let's talk Quetzalcóatl then. So he's like this giant snake with feathers...

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 61 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Weird, it skips right from the 13th amendment to the 15th in this version. And I can't find the emoluments clause anywhere.

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 56 points 7 months ago

Sorry Loving v Virginia, it didn't used to be widely understood that the equal protection clause would forbid inter racial marriage bans. After all, both white and black people are forbidden from marrying other races by those laws. There, equal. That's how it was historically understood, heck it was illegal in 16 states still at the time and widely disapproved of.

But this presumes origialism is some coherent philosophy in the first place, instead of an excuse for partisan hackery cherry picking by Heritage Foundation stooges to get the conclusion they want.

Count me in favor of packing the court, not like there's any integrity to jeopardize. More to lose by doing nothing while they continue to rampage.

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 60 points 7 months ago

No they're actually in NATO unlike Ukraine. If NATO didn't defend them directly it would be the end of NATO. Even if Trump or someone uncooperative with NATO was president of the US, I think Europe would still engage in a collective defense if Russia started attacking EU countries.

Supporting Ukraine now is the best way to prevent any of this from coming to pass though.

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 62 points 7 months ago

Periodic reminder to please directly subscribe to quality news sources to help fund good journalism. Especially local newspapers which have been really struggling. They are often the only ones holding your local elected officials accountable or reporting on them to any degree.

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 55 points 9 months ago

Don't forget to wash it down after with this:

Original picture source: https://naijasuperfans.com/stomach-churning-photos-capture-the-worst-food-abominations/

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 55 points 9 months ago

Well I cite 1 Timothy 2:12.

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet."

Picking out random bible verses to support your argument isn't very compelling. Feel like all these fundies haven't even read the thing.

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 66 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

From the 14th ammendment:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. "

What a terrible ruling. In what world is the president not a civil or military office? It's the highest civil and the highest military office! And they obviously take the oath to uphold the constitution too! This is a travesty.

The other rulings had a somewhat point with primaries technically being a party thing that's a private organization and not the real ballot. But this judge is just wiping their ass with the constitution.

[-] Ranvier@sopuli.xyz 66 points 10 months ago

But that's different you see. Because money is speech and therefore needs to be protected, including by allowing total anonymity of donors. Whereas we're talking about online accounts, where people of course never engage in speech or express ideas. Hey, wait a second that can't be right. Hmmm, okay maybe it's because she's saying it's a security risk, because you don't know if they're a foreign national spreading propaganda online. This is totally different from political donations, which of course have never been bribes from foreign powers masked by anonymity... Hey wait! She got us again. Almost like she's some kind of shill who wipes her butt with the constitution while trying to create a crony supported facist state. No that can't be.

But yeah, according to Republicans, money is speech, but speech is not speech. I'm expecting their next campaign platform to be 2+2=5.

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