It's also low hanging fruit, since the state could drag their feet on redistricting until it's too close to the 2024 election. So the party doesn't lose seats and the Supreme Courts gets to say they threw human decency a bone.

I could actually see engagement staying relatively the same since most people are probably popping Reddit open for a few minutes, maybe engaging, then moving on.

What I do find odd is how consistent Posts per minute are over time. But it doesn't dip or rise with comments. So now I'm wondering how automated a lot of posting is.

I agree with you that we need more data. Right now the USA average car death's are 1.37 per 100 million miles driven.

From what little Tesla has talked about the autopilot is below that average. BUT the raw data hasn't been released. We don't know how many miles have been driven on autopilot, we don't know the road conditions it was used in (assumingely autopilot would be used more often on freeways), and we don't know how the safety rating of the Tesla vehicle compares to others on the road (its possible Teslas are getting in more accidents but the car is keeping them safe, or vice versa).

Too many unknowns. So while I dislike this article because it mostly comes off as hollow in my eyes, I do think that Tesla needs to make more of it's data public so users can make an informed choice.

Wild, how close are we to 'Twitch plays Reddit'?

Maybe you can have the next 1k post!

As someone who mostly lurked what was getting 100 upvotes like?!

For me I was more bothered if something made it to the negative than anything else. That always made me feel super crummy, but sitting at 1 was fine with me.

Agreed, and while nice that it happened, doing so when you are just plain wrong is kind of the bare minimum.

This. Pretty much as soon as he starting running for president there has been talk about illegal operations and trials. But nothing has ever come of it. Even if there's a 98% chance, I'll only really care once a sentence is handed out.

Depending on how much Lemmy get's hugged to death I might take you up on this. Thanks!

Yeah, aren't they the highest ever, even accounting for inflation?

For me it's the original Wild Arms on PS1. The translation makes the game a bit of a slog to play through. But, the soundtrack alone puts me into a happy place.

A sad story, made lighter by the friends found along the way.

Exactly. Probably going to be some rot in the communities. I wouldn't be surprised if a few months from now we see Reddit offering more incentives to be a mod in order to entice others to take up the reigns.

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