You can only go so far back, and then it won't let you edit older posts. I tried many months ago.
Gotta make those cuts! /s
Cybersecurity is as important to national defense as the military is. And while they won't mess with the military, all they want to do is cut things they don't understand. They knee-jerk react to things and act as though they are making things better.
Biden was not on track, but he had an office for it.
For example,
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
I can't prove you wrong, but your post made me wonder this: Senator Ted Stevens in 2006, said that "the Internet is a series of tubes". Every one of those tubes must have an end. The Anus is the end of a tube (the lower intestine). Therefore, the Internet is a series of anuses. Prove me wrong.
I don't have the answer for you, sorry. But I was glad to read
It seems like the pool makes you feel better. So try to make sure you get to treat yourself to things you like.
I've heard a lot of people don't care for antidpressants.
I've also heard people say "keep a list of things that make you happy/that you are grateful for" and review it often. But no matter what, I hope things turn around for you and that you feel better.