[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 13 points 2 days ago

You seem to don't know what CSAM is.

This was a Joke. Your parents showing your significant other embarrassing Pictures of you, is like the standard things Parents do.

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 18 points 2 days ago

If you are concerned with the welfare of children, surely the most sensible thing is to allow doctors to be in charge of their healthcare rather than banning things and reducing the options doctors have for taking care of them.

Straight up facts!

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world to c/insanepeoplefacebook@lemmy.world

Was randomly checking out Aldi's in the US for fun. Found this, I'm not sure this is Aldi's fault.

Straight up Facts (lemmy.world)

You can't deny it!

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

Did you take that from a Child in a Scottie Pippen Jersey?

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 143 points 2 weeks ago
  • Tells customers to go fuck themselves
  • They leave
  • They stop paying for advertisement
  • Twitter/X makes no money from advertisement


ich🍪👀❓iel (lemmy.world)

sus ඞ


Es wäre lustig wenn es nicht so traurig wäre das trotzdem Leute diesen Müllhaufen wählen. Kontext.

hehehe 196 rule (lemmy.world)

Hello! I was scrolling along until I saw an article about a Pardon in Texas. In the comment section people talked about how pardons are even still a thing and one User pointed out that they are totally easy to abuse. Like why can't a governor hire a hitman to kill his political Opponents and then just pardon him? Would this be possible? Can a governor or let's say the president just straight up do that?

Thank you all in advance!


Dear Admins and Users of lemmy.world,

I am writing to express my concerns about the impact of lemmy.ml on our community. It has come to my attention that lemmy.ml frequently disseminates propaganda and engages in historical revisionism. Moreover, there have been instances where their admin privileges were used to suppress dissenting views, reminiscent of the already defederated lemmygrad instance.

While personal blocking of lemmy.ml is an option, it does not address the broader issue of new users potentially being influenced by misleading content. It is crucial that we protect our users from a continuous stream of biased information.

To illustrate these concerns, I have provided a link to a detailed post on the Fediverse that documents these issues comprehensively [Here].

Given these points, I urge the admins to consider a defederation from lemmy.ml. If their users wish to remain part of Lemmy.ml, that is entirely acceptable, but we should take steps to prevent the propagation of harmful misinformation, especially in their comment sections.

Thank you for your consideration.

MAC-Menu (lemmy.world)

Bing Image

MÄÄÄHH rule (lemmy.world)

Vorweg: Sorry für die schlechte Qualität hab den Zettel direkt vor Wut zerknüllt.

Es ist alles sooooo wage gehalten! Allein der erste Punkt ist absolut kritisch nichtssagend! Das einzige was man klar erkennt ist: "Gendern" verbieten und Flüchtlinge raus.

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 100 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Can we finally ban this anti-democratic, Russian-psyops-spreading POS of a political Party? I fucking hate the AFD with a burning passion you can't imagine. Everyone who votes for these fuckers just need to fucking cope that the war is over. Democratic Germany best Germany! Get rekt fascist keks.

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 81 points 4 months ago

Ich bin jetzt kein Experte der Rechtschreibung aber ich glaube "Ich denke mir ein Interview aus und verstecke mich dabei hinter Kant damit man mich nicht kritisieren kann" schreibt man anders.

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 111 points 7 months ago

What. I still rember the article about the Monkeys Musk butchered with his Microchips! This was terrifying and disgusting and now he is allowed to do this to humans?! WTF.

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 82 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I don't think this was a smart Move to mix these two issues. Israel & Palestine are so extremely polarizing and mixing this with climate might divide the People and weaken the fight for a green future. For example I would rather avoid that topic. I don't know enough about Palestine/Israel to publicly debate it. And if my climate-rally somehow turns to pro Palestine or pro Israel I would rather abstain from visiting it. Because I dont have a solid View on this topic. And I think I might not be alone with this feeling.

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 115 points 8 months ago

Good Job! You make my experience of Lemmy continuously better! You cleaned that CSAM up with the speed of light (I've never even noticed it), you managed the Piracy Community Troubles very well and now you made an well thought through decision about Lemmygrad. Well done Mods! And thank you all very much!

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 89 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I see so much support for the Hamas here in Lemmy. And I dont know why. I dont really no much about middle east conflict but everything I've ever heard about the Hamas was terrible and crule. Maybe its Propaganda but then things like this happens. Even IF it was a Soldier and not just a civillian this is nothing a Regime which is worth supporting does. This is just wrong.

EDIT: Typo

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 129 points 9 months ago

Mein Hot Take des Tages: Ich finde die Ampel macht einen guten Job! Beste Regierung seit langem.

[-] Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world 102 points 10 months ago

This is just vile. I don't even know what to say. An Adult attacking Children. He should get his fascist Ass to the Frontline and get brutally murdered. I hope that the Police finds this disgusting POS and locks him up. And I'm terrified that this is happening here in Germany.

Fight on, Ukraine! You have my support till you get the last cm² of you Country back.

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