
joined 2 years ago
[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 88 points 3 days ago (9 children)

I fear he is now in position to force goverment to buy his shit cars. Cybertrucks for cops etc.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 1 points 2 weeks ago

I actually do this with my notification sound too, but never got around to making a ringtone. Very few people call me to my personal, and I don't want to bother with the work phone since I'll just end up hating that sound no matter what it is.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Especially when it is my on call helpdesk ring tone. I'll instantly pull harder thousand yard stare than Cillian Murphy on my face.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 10 points 2 weeks ago

Tärkeintä tässä on konteksti, mitä kaikkea muuta Musk on tehnyt. Ja hän on kyllä mennyt sen verran syvään päätyyn tuon oikeistolaisuutensa kanssa, että "burder of proof" todistaa että ei ole natsi alkaa olemaan hänellä itsellään.

Lueskelen juuri Chris Hedgesin American Fascists kirjaa, ja siinä oli hyvä pointti siitä, miten fasistit tuppaavat valjastamaan paikallisen kultuurin perinteiset symbolit käyttöönsä, mikä nyt vaan sattuu toimimaan. Siksi voisi olettaa, että Amerikassa on erilaista symboliikkaa, kuin vaikka Italiassa ja Saksassa toisen maailmansodan aikaan. Se että joku Elon tekee vielä tämmöisiä tyhmyyksiä on kuin kirsikkana kakun päälle, mutta ei mielestäni edes relevanttia sen tulkinnan kannalta, onko hän fasisti. Kysymys on enää, onko hän fasisti, vai kirjaimellisesti kaasukammioita kannattava natsi.

Ehkä juuri Ylen ei tarvitsisi häntä kutsua natsiksi, mutta mielestäni tässä kohtaa on nähty jo tarpeeksi, että häntä voidaan sanoa fasistiksi.

Varmaan olisi joku parempikin määritelmä, tämä vain laiskana wikipediasta, merkkaan suluissa [X] kohtiin jotka väitän täyttyvän, varmaan sopiva symboli tälle hepulle:

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader [X] , centralized autocracy [X] , militarism [X] , forcible suppression of opposition [X] , belief in a natural social hierarchy [X] , subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race [X] , and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[X] Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism,[X kaikkiin noista] fascism is at the far right of the traditional left–right spectrum.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 4 points 3 weeks ago

Exactly. I know someone who is really smart and works in machine learning and when I listen to him in isolation, AI sounds like actually useful thing. Most people just are not smart like that, and most applications for AI are not very useful.

One of the things I often think is that AI makes it possible to do things that shouldn't be done very easily and fast, that would had previously been too much effort or craft for some people, like now they can easily make website for whatever grift they are pushing.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 43 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

This is not by default bad thing, if it is something you only use when you decide to do so, when you don't have other subtitles available tbh. I hate AI slop too but people just go to monkey brain rage mode when they read AI and stop processing any further information.

I'd still always prefer human translated subtitles if possible. However, right now I'm looking into translating entire book via LLM cause it would be only way to read that book, as it is not published in any language I speak. I speak English well enough, so I don't really need subtitles, just like to have them on so I won't miss anything.

For English language movies, I'd probably just watch them without subtitles if those were AI, as I don't really need them, more like nice to have in case I miss something. For languages I don't understand, it might be good, although I wager it will be quite bad for less common languages.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 13 points 1 month ago

So start normalizing using ffmpeg to type in whatever you want to say, and render it as a video with just static text on white background to make it even more expensive?

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 13 points 1 month ago (1 children)

TBH I felt this was bit superficial. No concrete examples, I don't really think adoption curve outside tech people will be that fast to agents, doesn't really go into how using agents to manipulate people would significantly differ from using non agent chatbot for same end.

I'm still worried how AI agents could be used to do evil, just that I don't feel any better informed after reading this.

Curious to hear any thoughts on this.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 2 points 1 month ago

I also work in a small company and tbh hate my bosses but I still don't think they deserve to die. Even if they are greedy capitalists, not all greedy capitalists have or ever will have any actual power to do evil , despite being totally unlikeable other wise.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 12 points 1 month ago

It's very easy, just eat vegetables.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 7 points 1 month ago

Carbon capture is just another techno fix that will never scale up to our needs.

[–] S13Ni@lemmy.studio 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

All of the possible combinations taste kinda same tbh

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