We don't really do guns where I live
Also part of the BDS for giving free meals to Israeli soldiers
Ex physicist here: Fucking no clue, but here's two neat ideas
Because there has always been things. Basically it's entirely possible the universe just kind loops around given enough time, there are a few really interesting ways to do this but the classic one is where the big bang reverses and there's a bug crunch before a new big bang. That's not very likely based on our observations, but there are other more mathematically complex ways to have a cyclical universe, and they don't necessarily require having a defined beginning.
Because nothingness is unstable. Basically, if there's a concept of nothingness, no energy, particles time or space, but it's possible for little universes to occasionally exist and disappear really quickly, then it's possible that our universe suddenly popped into existence, got really fucking big before it could disappear again and then got stuck existing. This is based on the highly advanced area of physics called making a wild fucking guess.
I'd say most likely that we'll have to be satisfied with that not being a question that can be answered. Much in the same way that we can't answer the question of why the laws of physics look the way they do, we can just describe what they currently are.
She likes belly and back rubs ❤️❤️❤️
The specialist who diagnosed me told me to do yoga about it...
You're thinking of solid state. The accurate description is an analog ebike
I need plushie scheduling software
It honestly makes it so much easier to deal with all the anti-vegan sentiment when I see you taking a stand. I really appreciate it
I tend not to anymore, arguments online fuck with my mental health too much tbh. Regardless, I get enough shit from my family out of the blue whenever we have a meal, I'm over it. I'm sick of people claiming to love animals while dismissing the idea that they should act like it by just saying "nuh."
It's true, but I feel bad that my bed is so full that I've had to move some of them to other pieces of furniture. I just hope it doesn't hurt their feelings
If you don't put small holes in the bubble wrap pasta, you could make a fun kind of pasta that explodes while cooking, sending boiling water everywhere and burning everyone in the kitchen
It's not an anarchist perspective, but I do love quoting David Henry Thoreau's essay on civil disobedience at the kinds of people who think that the law determines what is right. It's very useful for justifying a lot of the less radical activism to the moderates, helps with recruitment and all that too