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[–] 2 points 1 day ago

"National Economy – 10.Total Population Went down and Urbanization Rate Continued to Grow (31 December 2024)". National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBSC). 17 January 2025. Retrieved 17 January 2025.

net loss but natality increase in 2024

It seems like robust assertion to me. For the final analysist I'm no expert in chinese questions.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Ok i've found something on one of my national media, 2023.

For context "lefigaro" is a right wing conservative french paper. It's interviewing PA Donnet.

Pierre-Antoine Donnet is a experimented journalist with significant knowledge and experience with China since ~1980 (he was not happy with the Tibet events around 1985 and was present physicaly here for the Agence France Presse, the primary main source of most mainstream french media - independant medias have their own investigations). He's been cited twice on mediapart (independant leftist journal very respected here) on the topic.

He says basically:

  • China population declined officially in 2022, and "it started before despite the official source" as part of the source of the problem
  • PIB growth lower than targets and historical values, as a symptome of vicious circle
  • Some talk about the CCP internal conflict

I guess he's the primary source, but I don't want to buy his book to give you a summary :D

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I'll see if I can find my source back just in case we can get something more specific. From memory it was about China going back under 1 billion people over the next 50-100 years or something

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Oui mais http ne peut pas être backdoré, contrairement aux messageries chiffrées. Parce que https c'est le protocole de chiffrement qui protege les comms avec ta banque et la leur. Https encapsule le contenu des comms donc si tu envoie un message chiffré avec un messagerie p2p, le fai ne peut en principe pas savoir qu'il s'agit d'une messagerie chiffrée car il y a la couche de chiffrement du https par dessus.

C'est imaginable de backdorer signal, mais pas une app p2p opensource audité correctement imo. Sauf totalitarisme type Corée du nord bien sûr.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Other analyst say the contrary, with demographic decline to come and econnomy slower. So they say reunification window is limited to maybe 10 years or something before it becomes harder. Not that I'm capable of saying which of you is right

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Bof, on a https devant quand même, et une identification, et il existe plusieurs messageries p2p fonctionnelles donc impossible à bloquer avant qu'on passe en full totalitarisme donc bon.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

I'm almost sure it's "don't be woke" today

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Ah ok I though it was you said I should tell my (Elon Musk) friend to stop doing shit and get help so that was hillariousx)

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Salut Sravoryk ! Mon coup de coeur c'était Metal Adventure. Le système de jeu est vraiment fun (mais le livre est organisé n'importe comment c'est terrible), et l'histoire est très sympa aussi ! (c'est du space opera un peu fantastique) J'ai aussi les ombres d'esteren à la maison mais j'ai jamais eu la foi de finir de le lire du coup il prend la poussière dans ma bibliothèque rayon roliste.

[–] 20 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Nah, conservative and liars always use the "i don't know" "i don't remember" "it's not me" cards. It's always a lie, they know, they remember, they are responsible.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Dans the expanse, le 2e tome que je suis en train de finir en ce moment:

<spoiler mais bon c'est facile à deviner>à la fin la politicienne anti-guerre finit par gagner un bataille politique importante contre un politicien corrompu et va-en-guerre

et c'était cool pour gagner un peu d'optimisme en ce moment !

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