It may have had a sense when every EU country was at an outer border... But today, it makes no sense and overloads the weakest members (Southern and Eastern states).
This was a thing. Then, some brokers started to put a max limit to the ask price, cancelling orders, etc.
I still have 10-share orders at 1k, 10k, 100k just for kicks 😂
As soon as the shit hit the fan, they will switch in drives 😂
Or surfing the wave... Which is also incredibly stupid...
LVMH belongs to a strong supporter of Le Front National. Avoid all of their products as a general rule...
I'm glad I visited the USA in the past 🙈
But this is not malpractice. These are murders...
Les forêts publiques (pex forêt domaniale de Fontainebleau) sont aussi victimes...
Plus, concrete is super dirty to produce and actually not so dense.
You're just proving my point 😘 Take care 🍀
Of course I knew what they meant, since I explained why I did not agree with their reasoning (point B in my answer).
Since this moment, you 2 have only been aggressive without contributing to the exchange.
I also tried to diffuse the emotions with humor ("Tough crowd", as if it was a comedy show). I've explained -again- why I didn't agree with their reasoning to go back to the topic.
And your answer double downs on agressivity... I'm out ✌️
In any case, you seem to have a lot of anger to pick up that kind of fight. Take care, buddy 🍀
Ta ta ta... Only if you say the right things..