[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 25 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The government probably sees it as a possibility that someone might send money to UNRWA, BDS or PCRF instead of uKKKraine and NAFO. eSStonia is also a huge supporter of Shitrael's genocide. Also NAFOs really hate Palestinians.

Or also because Palestine is friendly with many countries who are also on friendlier terms with Russia (and unfriendly/hostile to iSSrael).

Or it could just be white supremacy.

[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 76 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

eSStonian Supreme Court ruled the phrase "from the river to the sea" to be "pro-Hamas, pro-genocide, pro-war crime" just on Thursday. One person has to pay not only €120 in fines, but €10,000 (€830 pm) within a year for "expertise fees".

Chihuahua-ass BaltiKKKracker "country" fr

[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 5 points 2 days ago

Absolutely smoked packwatch crab-party PIGPOOPBALLS

[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 51 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

"ukkk is the land of the Shaytaan" - Live on Radio Islam, Johannesburg


[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 2 points 4 days ago

The best part is the giant rainbow that progressively takes up more and more of the screen from the left side, with over half of it consisting of pigpoopballs

[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 8 points 4 days ago

"israel" has the right to take a Qassam rocket in the arse

[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Oh it's lovely when an otherwise fairly cold (or mild in the summer) eSStonia had experienced practically the highest temperatures in eu-cool these past 2 months on multiple occasions

[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)
[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 6 points 4 days ago

Ukraine and Russia have had similiar arsenals since the 1990s, with the former now also supplemented by NATO scrap metal.

[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 64 points 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Olaf Schwanz rejects any sort of ceasefire/peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine.

The crackdown on pro-Palestine rallies in Germany still continues, with the provincial government of NRW even requesting groups such as BDS and JVJP be declared nationally as terrorist groups/Hamas intelligence. Activists have even had their homes raided, computers, smartphones and money confiscated.

The proposal to no longer capitalise "Russia" on official documents in Latvia got struck down, L

A children's hospital was hit in Kiev by a confirmed Kh-101 missile. Of course some questions and observations do arise. Does Ukraine also have Kh-101 missiles in their arsenal? If yes, is it possible that the AFU fired at the hospital as a false-flag to garner sympathy from NAFOs and the EU? The missile was not intercepted and reached its target. It also flew in from the west-northwestern direction, hitting behind the Ministry of Infrastructure's HQ, which is southeast-facing. Had it more plausibly been a Russian strike, it would have come from the north or northeast directions, unless of course Russia also launched attacks from Belarus. Or was Belarus indeed one origin point for the 8 July strikes against Kiev? If so, then there is a possibility that Russia launched this missile, either by accident, or to strike a military target allegedly operating in the children's hospital behind the Ministry of Infrastructure.The AFU (and Azov) have been known to operate in hospitals, schools or apartment towers since the conflict began, which is also a war crime. But that fact has been long dismissed as "whataboutism and Putinist/Kremlin/Russian" propaganda, with Putin and Russia being intentionally misspelled by NAFOs of course. As they scream and condemn the alleged Russian strike (even months-years later should it be found that Russia was not guilty), they will sing high praises and give unconditional support to:

The death toll in Gaza is now estimated to be as high as 186,000 according to Lancet, with the upper end estimate even exceeding half a million. National population registries have been destroyed months ago. There are no more mosques, schools or hospitals functioning and even most high-rise buildings are leveled. Humanitarian/civil/EMS services are in a terminal crisis, due to collapse at any moment. Proportionally to South Africa, this is equal to the cities of Cape Town, Mossel Bay and George all being totally destroyed, with Nelson Mandela Bay beginning to be under siege. The upper estimate makes it equivalent to the total destruction of the Gauteng Province (Pretoria and Johannesburg, 1/4ths of South Africa's population). Some yellow-ribbon boers have been actually calling for Gauteng's total destruction also. The homicide rate in Gaza would now amount to 9.9k-21.6k/100k

Hey, maybe that's the Apple Tax - all those free iPhone 15 Pro Max phones that is given to Diaper soldiers are affecting profits and losses need to be recouped somehow. Might as well come up with a justification to charge double that of what is basically a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, but with slightly weaker specs, 1 less camera and doesn't even include that pen.

There are at least some better news:

Roland Lamola is now the successor of Naledi Pandor ans South Africa's foreign minister. He is also a staunch supporter of Palestine and serves as one of the judges on the panel supporting South Africa at the ICJ. He has stated he will continue to support the case, as well as Naledi Pandor's positions.

The South African Friends of Israel's DDoS protection is... inadequate. We do a little trolling.

Netanyahu before you sleep, go to the toilet; Put a rubber sheet under the mattress and a pot next to the bed

Death to America

[-] SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net 6 points 5 days ago

literal shit post




Lmao gottem rip in PIGPOOPBALLS L bozo


The Parliament (Riigikogu) of a "country" barely the size of Nelson Mandela Bay is salty at South Africa's most recent ICJ case ruling PIGPOOPBALLS

:estonia-cool: emoji when?


Oh yeah this is like the 4th time a demand for further provisional measures were outright ignored (or even refused) by the way.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Someone who knows me IRL, as in by name, reported me to the Estonian State Security Agency probably for that one time I flipped the bird at the Foreign Ministry or attending a Palestinian rally, waving both the South African and Palestinian flag, while donning a keffiyeh and one of those fancy hats from Nigeria. Most likely they recognized me from pictures taken.


UPDATE: The 3-hours long discussion was nowhere near as horrific as I'd envision. Even in this BalticraKKKer land, I was able to pretty openly like... quite literally, post. To put it briefly, it was basically explaining historic/material analysis and what critical support means. In the least likeliest of all places, lmao.


This is also the third time that South Africa has demanded an order from the ICJ, two have already been basically ignored.

Also pretty much all the comments on Middle East Monitor deserve the barbara-pit

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Look out here comes my piss lmao

rip-bozo-grave rip-bozo ukkkraine packwatch

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

Oh yeah and the comments on MEMO - pretty much every commenter deserves their house to be Fajr-5'd


Also according to CII Radio, their description was more overt - Due to the lawsuit levied by South Africa against Shitrael, there is now a genuine terror threat present with the SAFM Naledi Pandor cited as a primary target. Hot takes include "South Africa was paid by Iran, the SAFM is an ISIS sympathizer" and the crowd favourite "everyone in South Africa is Hamas". My predictions of some coked-out Nazi on The Jerusalem Post chanting "Gaza today, Gauteng tomorrow" as a war cry, are becoming truer by the day.

May every settler and diaper trooper find out exactly why "Johannesburg" rhymes with "Jahannam", inshallah

Death to America

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