Feel free to move? Canadian society is about supporting individuals
You know trump negotiated the last trade deal, right? Canada has protections set up so the American oligarchs can’t take over Canada like they’re doing down south
Just a reminder that ACAB, doesn’t matter what country. Class traitors who protect the oligarchs
America has been sold to the oligarchs. If the citizens want any sense of freedom they’re going to have to step up to the plate and take some swings at the oligarchs
Looking for more corporate welfare
We’re witnessing the American domination of tech coming to a rapid end it would seem. Chinese AI will dominate the landscape it seems
Any company that moves to the states loses Canada and the EU as trading partners. I say let them leave, minimizing your customer base is very hot with the fascists right now
Uhmmm, I haven’t used Amazon for anything in at least four years, pretty sure it’s really easy
It boggles the mind how people are so prone to hate. It costs you nothing to live and let live. How can someone else suffering bring you joy?
Proof please. Fox is not a news source
That’s quite the fantasy world you live in