[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 64 points 6 months ago

His face creeps me out so much. I usually try to attack the policies and not the person but it is just too much for me.

It’s like if Jason Bateman was cast in an oddball version of Batman where the Penguin was actually Isaac Asimov.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 53 points 6 months ago

Meanwhile Sweeney is being litigious instead of inventive.

Not that the lawsuits don’t have merit, just very interesting to see the vast difference in focus between the two companies.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 103 points 7 months ago

It’s basically just their Outlook web app. It offers no extra function, and breaks a LOT of old functionality.

There’s a registry key to turn off the button.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 108 points 7 months ago

This is for the Netherlands, but it’s about the anti-piracy group not allowing defeats in court on the basis of GDPR and ISP refusal get in the way of a good harassment.

Good read if you want higher blood pressure.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 174 points 8 months ago

When the fuck are they going to stop treating these companies and executives with kid gloves?

Why do they do these things, shred evidence, lie on the stand, and break almost every white collar law there is? Because there are little to no consequences. And if there are it’s for people in the “out” group. New money.

Crack down on all of them. Shredding evidence should be an admission of guilt. Full stop.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 72 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Almost any CEO + empathy doesn’t seem right.

At least 20% of people in executive positions are psychopaths. Literally psychopaths. Not sociopaths, full on psychos.

I can almost guarantee that the Venn diagram of psychopaths and executives at Fortune 500 companies is a circle.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 227 points 9 months ago

I really don’t give a fuck what Youtube is happy about

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 112 points 9 months ago

Netflix had it, lost it due to a more competitive landscape. Now they all have reached about peak saturation and are struggling to hit those massive numbers where people are doing it willingly, they they think they can strong arm people into it. Streaming is all about convenience. Can I sit on the couch and put on something relatively engaging for a few that seems relatively reasonable? Ya? Cool. The further you move away from that model the more people start to look elsewhere. Pirating has gotten a lot, and I mean a LOT easier, and that arm is only so strong.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 64 points 9 months ago

There are some deaths that will do mankind a great service. His is one of them.

Let’s hope his follow up doesn’t have the ability to continue sowing the seeds of discord.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 71 points 10 months ago

This issue is that nature is going to start with the people who contribute the least to the issue.

If only the people contributing the most could actually feel the pressure.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 68 points 10 months ago

I’m anything but a soothsayer, but we’re already seeing remote work become a pretty important factor in people choosing employers, and it seems like most of the larger players in their respective industries are the ones trying to force people back into the office.

I could see this become a huge boom for low-mid tier companies that are able to put in more affordable offer packages but with work from home options attached and pry away talent from the high tier companies.

This could go a long way towards hopefully rebalancing the scales for quite a few things and hopefully reeling in some of these companies who have been able to take so much for so long.

[-] Skies5394@lemmy.ml 91 points 10 months ago

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