[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 8 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Your other option is a equally old man, hopped up on Sudafed, who lost his hospital privileges just 4 years ago because his mortality rate was insanely high, and no one would give him malpractice insurance, he had his medical license pulled in at least two states, and it's suspected he sold illegally harvested organs to a group of rich people who wanted to eat them. He's been legally found responsible for rape he's committed in civil court, and he was found guilty in criminal court of dozens of felonies related to him stealing hospital records when he lost his license and privileges and may or may not have sold them to the last people you'd ever want to have access to them. He's wearing a lobster bib and licks his lips as he says ''only I have the skill to save you, I don't even want to, but I will... '' He also forwards that everything is falling to ruin, and nothing is good now, and people are dying from surgeries left and right, and the people who died on his surgeries were fake deaths orcastrated by invisible foes only he can see or stop, so it was never his fault all those people died on his watch.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 1 points 8 hours ago

That's actually a petty definable line between animation and live action, but some action films have enough animation to be considered a mix of the twon in a least some cases.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 5 points 8 hours ago

Gender being a social construct makes defining it very wonky. This question the right is always asking to ''define what a woman is'' is really easy to fuck up. Is it chromozones? There is FAR more than two chromosomal makeups, in advanced lab classes that learn to test for chromosomal makeup, students are forbidden to test themselves, any classmate, and any family, because it's almost certain that one of those people will not be XX or XY, it's not that uncommon. So chromosomal sexing necessitates more than one gender, or rather fluid gender identity. It's it the sex organs? Oh no, you won't like this one, is it functioning sex organs or just any? What do we do with intersex people? They can't fit into one category by definition, then there's men who have kids, who think of themselves as men, who find out they have a uterus! And its mentrating! What to do what to do. There's a lot of men with half testicle half ovary sex organs, are they men? Well not if we go by sex organs now you need a bigger section of category because sex organs don't fit into two columns, it's far more complicated. So what do we do! general anatomy? Modern human biologists have a lot of data saying there's such a thing as a male typical brain, and a female typical brain, how fun! Maybe that will work, sure, but now you have to accept there literally are women trapped in male bodies and vis versa. So again, you need to be fluid with your gender definitions.

Every single metric biological data can provide all point to the same truth, there are not two simple columns where humans can be neatly placed that won't cause a lot of people to be miserable, misunderstood, or maligned for not fitting either concept.

Basic biology is clear. We are a VERY complicated species.

So let's just look at anthropology. Did any human civilizations NOT have two genders? Yeah A LOT of them. And even today we have examples. Anciently, Hebrews had 9 genders I think? Jesus mentions 5 genders. He dosen't seem to have any problem with them existing either. Well.. it looks like we're not the first people to find out that binary gender isn't the only option.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Yes. but It's been a few years since it's happened. Or I stopped noticing/caring. Idk which.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Good thing I have severe short term memory loss.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I agree with your point seeing as how the article dosen't have this info, but the context that He's a known burglar, has done at least 4 years in prison and 'but it's just a novelty item' has been a tactic of criminals in England for a long time, it makes more sense why he was busted.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

If we don't get a 35 year old president at some point soon I'm gonna be upset.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yes, a total stranger on the internet with half a paragraph of information would clearly be the reasonable train of wild assumptions to ride to a definitive conclusion. Medical professionals are clearly wrong on this one.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

France managed this by forbiding all religious displays of any kind in any public place, unless it's over 200+ years old then it's protected for being a historical display. Nothing outside of Catholicism has any display that old. Bing bang boom, only Catholic displays of a religious nature are allowed.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

Clearly you've never seen Korean Jesus.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 18 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

One of the biggest factors is that the courts can't get testimony from members of the executive branch of government, meaning if he does something insanely evil, as long as only his admin that knows anything about it, he can't be effectively prosecuted. It's pretty fucking terrible.

[-] Snowclone@lemmy.world 27 points 2 days ago

I heard Venus never even had an infection of a biological nature.

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