
joined 1 month ago
[–] 18 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I know I was being cheeky

[–] 33 points 5 days ago (5 children)

denies genocide

What? We don't deny what's happening in Gaza?


I say this as someone raised Christian.

You can, and many people do, take a progressive interpretation of Christianity, but I don't think it's the INHERENT interpretation of the faith, in fact I think taking an progressive interpretation of it requires focusing on specific teachings of Jesus and Jesus alone, which many left Christians do but they are not the majority interpretation of the faith.

And even the teachings of Jesus, I basically view it just as Millenarianism, he told people to purify themselves for a coming apocalypse, that I honestly think he thought was coming much sooner that most Christians today think it is. Yes the things he told people to do to purify themselves are mostly good things that are pretty compatible with socialism, but it is still mostly individualist charity for the goal of spiritual purification. I don't think any of that is incompatible with a conservative worldview.

I'm just saying this because I see a lot of people try and "hypocrisy own" American conservative Christians right now by pointing to snippets of Jesus' teachings, when I don't think that shits ever going to be effective, because when you take the Bible as a whole it's still overall a conservative text, making a progressive interpretation of it basically requires editing out massive chunks (like basically everything Paul said, which again a lot of left wing Christians basically throw out Paul).

It's parked in front of our housing block every Thursday and Saturday. I know you know this because I saw you pass out behind it, twice.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

You smoke way too much of that shit.

I'm off the clock right now, they got another gay guy

Are you gonna Venmo me for that cuz it's kinda expensive

Oh man Bam, you gotta stop suckin my dick, I gotta go to work in the mornin

Go to the beer truck for beer

[–] 9 points 6 days ago (4 children)

You can just go to the Soviet beer truck for beer dude



Wait, I thought Taylor's BF was on the MAGA team?

No please! The fact those media outlets are just straight up funded by the US government makes it so easy to own Libs when they cite them! If you privatize US propaganda it will require so much more research to disprove them!

Hm, fair, still probably grannies tho


...and I was too busy being overwhelmed by capsaicin to support her.

Sorry sis.


It makes no sense to me. Like if it was a thing I enjoyed I'd understand, but I don't enjoy it. I think we should discourage people from doing it.

No I am not interested in having a debate about this.

[yes this is a repost]


There must be greasy dudes out there looking through windows to see... fully clothed women. Or going to strip clubs and... just having a beer and leaving.



I got some brewskies and some Buffalo chicken dip. Let's go crazy!

spongebob-party party-blob party-parenti



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