[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 11 points 20 hours ago

I find the liver king hilarious because one of my female Japanese friends's favorite food is beef and horse liver sashimi. Dude is shilling the dream diet of a small Japanese woman to a bunch of incels trying to get shredded lmao.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 6 points 20 hours ago

If belief in the pope's infallibility is a requirement for being Catholic then the excommunicated dude didn't really want to be a Catholic and now he's not a Catholic. Problem resolved, I don't see what the issue is.

Dude was an archbishop who lost his job because he thought the pope was being too nice to LGBT people and immigrants. Good riddance, he can fuck off and find a real job. Today is the day the broken catholic clock gets to be right.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 5 points 22 hours ago

Isn't the pope only truly infallible when he's speaking ex cathedra? Idk if excommunications are made ex-cathedra but I feel like every organization needs a way of fully and finally expelling members from itself who don't align with its beliefs or mission.

I fully get that the current pope is simply less bad than the usual popes and that the next guy could be an absolute monster. I just don't think that expelling a guy for being an anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist is a good example of the Catholic church being bad.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

But isn't this equally good evidence that Catholics as a whole do have principles that they're willing to kick high ranking people out over?

If a Communist party kicked a high ranking member out because they were an anti-vaxxer, would that mean communists have no principles?

Edit: I'm not defending the Church, I don't really care for them. Just want to understand the principle here.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Attend an AIPAC convention.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 11 points 1 day ago

obama-socialism we are forced to live in a society.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 57 points 1 day ago

Al Qassam, please start using the German flag in your videos instead of the red triangle.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 14 points 1 day ago

Losing an argument so bad you stomp out of the room in a huff and turn off the lights in sheer pettiness.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 31 points 1 day ago

"I am indigenous to this land according to my holy book which says that I wandered here from Egypt... Wait, fuck."

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 52 points 1 day ago

Extremely weird take by the libs at the SCMP, who are notoriously bad with military reporting.

Some PLA watchers have reported on a recent standoff between US and Chinese electronic warfare aircraft near the Philippines:

After a 12-hour standoff, the U.S. forces chose to retreat. However, this electronic warfare incident caused a complete disruption of GPS signals in the northern part of Luzon Island, with all communications, phone signals, and other signals completely cut off, plunging the local area into chaos.

It is evident that the Chinese military conducted strong interference with U.S. GPS signals. Given that the Laoag International Airport in northern Luzon is home to a U.S. land-based missile system, this electronic warfare can also be viewed as a rehearsal by the PLA to counter land-based Tomahawk cruise missiles by disrupting GPS signals.

I think that this lines up extremely well with the US Tomahawks being pulled almost immediately afterwards. If they can't fly without GPS then they're just useless targets. Certainly makes more sense than the US somehow deciding to conceed to Putin under the anti-Russian Biden admin.

Article is worth a read if you want to get a sense of shifting military power dynamics between China and the US as well. The US drops an ASW device, China coast guard tries to recover it. US Navy ship tries to interfere, causing a Chinese carrier group to show up. Both sides blast each other with electronic warfare and in the end the Americans scamper off.

Inshallah the US isn't far from its big Suez moment.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 33 points 2 days ago

One of my friends who is a person of Indian heritage born in the West told me about how his KKKraker job interviewer once said "you speak great English" and without missing a beat he replied "thanks, so do you."

He got the job.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 13 points 2 days ago

The comments page of the petition has a bunch of Japanese right wingers complaining about historical revisionism. Chef's kiss levels of irony.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Posting the original Reuters link because it's very useful when sending to libs.

I absolutely despise how every single Angloid "liberal democracy" is constantly looking under its bed for Chinese influence ops but whenever an American or English op gets discovered everyone just pretends it didn't happen.

This one got innocent and vulnerable people in the Philippines killed and Marcos is still lining up the whole country to be Pacific Ukraine.

The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.


Please immediately report any revisionists imploring you to "let people enjoy things" to your nearest Party Disciplinary Committee.

Link to original (tweet author is an Atlantic Council ghoul)


Chinese influencer sprays "toilet" on steele at Yasukuni War Crimes Shrine, records himself pissing on it, then flys back to China and gloats. Japanese far rightoids malding and seething, with a holocaust-denying plastic surgeon offering 10 million yen as a reward for his arrest.


It's also been reported on Westoid and Japanese media so you can search up an article if you want. Reason I'm linking to the tweet is that it has the video and all the English language news is incredibly biased (i.e. no mention of why a Chinese person might not like Yasukuni Shrine until the very last paragraph).



Dude works for the Australian National University and the Atlantic Council and can't scrape up any better dirt than "textbook girl wear pants now 😭"


Found this because there's a Westoid translation account that somehow thinks that this is a dunk on China.




Party leader doubling down on it:

Leave it to the libertarians to decry kids eating quinoa and sushi as extravagant while they feast on the finest imported American brainworms.


Official Isn'trael Twitter account makes Iran look way cooler by accident.




When Communists hold power, too often we still let libs get away with their petty obstructions and wrecking.


Let's fucking GOOOOO! Unlimited findings of Genocide against WeSSt Germany.

The global south has listened and doubted for decades to the West claiming that international institutions served all equally. Now even they are forcing these institutions to back their empty words with action or be revealed as hypocrites.


Or am I just seeing things?

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