My high school STEM classes taught us how to use Autodesk Inventor and I can use it very well now but it’s hard to pick up another CAD software without it feeling weird.
I currently have no VR headset of any kind but it sounds fun (from what I’ve heard).
This show had the most awesome episodes ever! If you ever paired Mythbusters with How it’s Made and Modern Marvels it would be the best educational engineering TV programs you could watch.
So long and thanks for all the ~~fish~~ grills
Do the staff wear dosimeters to make sure they aren’t exposed to too much radiation?
I just realized 59.15 ml is 1/4 of a cup while 1 cup is 239.59 ml
239.59 ml
Edit: switched out the original number for the correct number
There’s always a relevant xkcd, lol
It’s been dumb for a while. During the Norwegian butter crisis (a shortage of butter in Norway), people would smuggle butter.
Edit: fixed factual errors in my comment.
Coffee… Coffee never changes…
The best car to get is one where the engineers actually thought of maintaining the thing over looks