[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 49 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

GPG signatures are set by the sender to prove the message is originating from the sender and is unchanged. It's signed with the private key and verified with the public key.

It is in no way a method to verify if the information is correct or rubbish. I can tell you the earth is flat and sign it, but all you know on verifying the signature is that the info was unaltered, not if it's correct or not.

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 37 points 5 months ago

Welcome and have fun.

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 48 points 5 months ago

Sell them and buy low budget low power consumption disks that would fit my purpose.

Enterprise-grade usually has enterprise-grade power consumption. From the power saving alone you can buy nice stuff.

Liftoff alternative (lemmy.world)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by TheInsane42@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Ok, I admit, I've been lazy and kept using liftoff until the last moment, but that is coming soon with lemmy.world moving to 0.19.x soon.

I totally like how liftoff feels, very lifghtweigth and dark, so looking for a replacement that can manage multiple accounts, has a dark mode, runs in landscape and isn't to big. Any tips other then boost? I have boost and hate it's interface.

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 115 points 5 months ago

Technology isn't to enable users to do what they want, but to let corporations do what they can get away with.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by TheInsane42@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Ok, Evernote committed hara-kiri, so time to move on. (no way I'll pay for ransomware) Any tips for good alternatives for Linux/Android platform? My wife used Nimbus note a while back, recovered her account there, ColorNote pops up when looking for alternatives as well.

Also, my wife has about 15k of recepies in evernote, is there an option to export them all and recover them? If not, she knows the most important ones by heart and/or where she found them.

We both run Linux, but I haven't found an evernote application that is still maintained for Linux. (I have a Windows VM somewhere to battle shenanigans like this)

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 32 points 7 months ago

They can, when they limit CO2 emissions as much as possible and compensatw for the remaining emissions by planting trees and other tricks.

Also, 'being carbon neutral' can mean several things:

  • ensure the company doesn't produce CO2 (net)
  • ensure the company and the commute of the employees doesn't produce CO2 (net)
  • ... plus suppliers
  • ... plus transport of the goods produced
  • ...

And so on,... it all is just how you define it.

My house is the greenest in the neighbourhood and probably in the country. That it has nothing to do with being eco friendly but more with the paint on it is just a minor detail. ;)

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 46 points 7 months ago

Humans totally ignore that they are part of nature. Most think that reduced biodiversity won't include them.

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 70 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Having the same sence of humor proved crucial for me, next to loving pets. I dated someone once and when she asked why I asked her I told her I liked older women. She was 3 days older. (And not amused)

I felt totally comfortable with a girl I met at a forum meeting we started seeing each other more. She had pets and the same sence of humor. She's my wife for 14y now, we have loads of pets. On my birthday I get gifted a younger wife, on her birthday she's rescued from an old man. She's 6 months younger.

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 44 points 9 months ago

"Survival of the fittest" when used to indicate the stongest should survive. Instead of the one best suited for (fitting) the situation.

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 43 points 10 months ago

We can only hope that this year finally opens the eyes of the deniers. (Before nature decides to finally solve the issue)

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 55 points 10 months ago

As long as there are people playing a game, there will be cheats. However, I decide what happens on my device, not a game or software developer. When the developer thinks he can set requirements, he is barred.

Not a single piece of software is worth risking my device for.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by TheInsane42@lemmy.world to c/guitars@lemmy.world

At the moment I've dusted off a guitar and a bass I bought close to 20 years ago, an Ibanez EDB300 bass guitar
and my FrankenFender
a modified/mutilated Fender MusicMaster.

Without more experience then just messing about with a bad accoustic I thought those weren't to bright purchases, but at least I had a chance on getting to learn to play them, although I just started last month. (after fixing the FrankenFender, the added pickup is dead)

When shopping for some useful additions (tuner, neckband, stand) I however found the Fazley FMB218NT
at a very low cost, so I just added it to the basket before checking out. I think for now, buying a fretless bass when just learning to play tops it (for now), although I hope it manages to force me to concentrate more on the left hand.

I guess I'm not the only one that was a tad to enthusiastic when starting, what do you all consider as your (initially) bad decisions and how did they turn out?

Edit: Layout corrections and used my own pick for the Fazely instead of a static one from the shop (that didn't work in !liftoff@lemmy.world)



Now I've automated mt lamps that can work via the socket with kaku units (old and new type mixed) and domoticz with rflink unit, I'm looking to add the light in the hall in the same, easy plug'n'play method. However, kaku only has units you have to build into the circuit instead of just place them between the E27 fitting and the lightbulb.

Is something like this bukeer unit available for Europe and would it work with domoticz and the rflink (rf433)?


As most of the Lemmy users are security/privacy minded, after a question about alternative voices I'm wondering. Why would you allow a virtual assistance to spy on you constantly? (Especially when you don't need to due to other limitations)

And as a side note, is there a way to kill Siri completely on IOS (not just go trough all app settings and disable siri there)? (company phone, so alas not jail broken, Android is rooted and GA has been removed, as is the Google app itself)

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 28 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Now I'm curious how far they'll get before the poster either:

  1. is fed up with posting about posts being removed as they were about posts being removed,...
  2. gets banned.

I was wondering, I've created 2 communities (game related) and I see I have a few subscribers. Is it possible to see who subscribed?

[-] TheInsane42@lemmy.world 41 points 1 year ago

And we have liftoff. ;)

Sorry, couldn't resist.


At the moment you can select which list to open, subscribed, local or all. However, when you have multiple accounts, you can't pick on which server.

I have accounts on lemmy.world, lemmy.ml and lemmy.studio configured in that order and selected subscribed as prefered community list. With lemmy.world as top instance in the list I'd expected that to be the 1st to open. However, it's subscribed@lemmy.ml that's opened at the start. I'm guessing that's due to alphabetical ordering.

I think it would be useful to be able to select the instance as well as community list. This either by selecting it or ordering the instance list (start with the top one)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by TheInsane42@lemmy.world to c/coffee@lemmy.world

As owner of koffie.nu domain (coffee.now for the non Dutch), I need to peek around here.

Currently owning a Jura D6 for my daily shots. Currently testing Picnic 'intenso dark'. It is acceptable, but a tad to strong for the long run I guess. Usually we use the Perla biological, as it tastes ok (better then filtered) and is affordable. (inflation is a tad in the way for better coffee, with the amount of pets we have)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by TheInsane42@lemmy.world to c/guitars@lemmy.world

I'm working on setting up my dusted-off guitar and bass and for intonation I need a better quality tuner then the Korg GT-3 I have. Which ones will help with the intonation? One that shows how much any note is off, not just the one of the open string.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by TheInsane42@lemmy.world to c/guitars@lemmy.world

I bought this Fender in 2003/2004 as I wanted a guitar and a colleague had one collecting dust. As it was a Fender, I paid probably to much for it (€ 400), but I could spare it.

It had a not much better future here, as I stored it and totally forgot about it. I looked a tad closer to it today and I can't place a lot of parts. It has a pickup to many for a Musicmaster, for a Duosonic the layout (and parts) is incorrect, I'm missing screws, pitchguard is off (self made?), but the body, neck and headstock look correct. (tuning nobs and posts are ibanez)

Is it worth it to restore the guitar? Would it be better to keep this FrankenFender in this state,...

I'm currently working on my Ibanez EDB400 which I bought around the same time, setting it up with the help of Bassbuzz on youtube. (I now know why I didn't like playing it, the setup was way off... and it has a battery that was dead since '06)

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