meanwhile try to post any *.cn link on twitter and see what happens

Many of them are literally part of the government

Honestly if any class based violence breaks out targeting the very rich, I truly and sincerely hope it targets him first. He is fucking insufferable and the world would be better without him in it.

[-] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Eh it's an industry deeply in bed with the US government that has a history of blackballing people for political views. These days it's essentially a propaganda arm of the DoD.

[-] -2 points 2 years ago

"we won't let you transfer dollars"

"Ok I'll pay in rubles"


"Ok then"

"Hey you can't not pay us!"

"I tried to, in rubles"

"No, use dollars"

"You won't let me"


Mfw I have to be exposed to empty-headed western decadence on a daily basis. Mfing if I have to hear about a Kardashian one more fucking time...

I got banned with the same bullshit message this morning (3 year old account with 200k+ karma lol)


joined 2 years ago