
joined 2 years ago
[–] 27 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You could post that on the DSA internal forums no problem. Is the subreddit a dsa official platform?

[–] 22 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

And the "seeking" options are "masc" or "femme" or "both"

[–] 39 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (8 children)

NYC DSA is a black mark on the organization. They are also doing it at a zionist nightclub

[–] 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

My PSL local showed up for 2 weeks before the election and didn't know how to talk to voters at a public event DSA was tabling weekly at. (So twice before the election, and they stopped coming when it was over) It made it a lot harder to actually have conversations with folks because they were already turned off.

I'll be real, if anyone is trying to run a 3rd party presidential candidate I immediately assume they're not worth taking seriously. I'd rather they just talk about their politics directly or through other campaigns rather than the presidential shit, it is an immediate red flag.

[–] 19 points 3 months ago

Oh, I mean the explosives, not the powder used to fire it at a target.

[–] 38 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Dmitry Loza

I actually did some research on this a while ago, apparently soviet ammo used a more powerful explosive and that was why they detonated so frequently. So there was a trade off.

[–] 14 points 3 months ago
  1. Misgendering, sexual harassment
    spoilerI have to do a lot of interacting with the public as part of a socialist thing, and I've realized the hotter I look that day the more people go out of their way to misgender me.

So they're failing at making me feel bad about gender but I still feel icky because its literally just so fucking overtly trans coded sexual harassment

  1. I need to find a social space to use for dating but ugh, I've gotten so picky, except the folks whove made me picky are comrades and I don't date comrades! Ugh! I have a partner but sometimes there are aches that are outside their wheelhouse.

  2. Does anyone else get a really weird mix of dysphoria and euphoria while looking at Chappell Roan in drag? I'm trying to sort out my feelings there but getting swamped by "pretty gender-non-conforming lesbian ahhhh" when I try to.

[–] 27 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

All orgs have SA issues, I think there is probably some truth to cover ups regarding external facing aspects of it, my local PSL chapter sometimes won't even give me inane details to make coordinating with them easier. The question is whether there is internal cover ups.

I'm willing to bet there are because of the way PSL structures communications keeps locals isolated from eachother, and I get the sense of paranoia/siege mentality probably making folks more inclined to avoid spreading stuff that could be damaging to the org.

However the org also allows the escalating of SA stuff past local leadership which is an exception to their command structure.

I think criticism of PSL should probably be more concerned with their lack of democratic centralism (40 percent of delegates can be appointed by the central committee), their structure not really resembling successful pre-revolutionary structures because they are a Cadre org, not a cadre org within a wider democratic organization of socialists/anticolonialists, and they waste a lot of time with the presidential campaign.

Before people say "the presidential campaign is mostly to just have a pretext to talk to people" I've seen the literature for this year, and a lot of it is solely oriented around getting your vote and not convincing you of the correctness of their positions or analysis. I've also had 1 on 1s with psl organizers and been at their educational events. They claim it is about having conversations but they treat it like the goal is to get votes. While I like talking theory with PSL comrades, they seem really underdeveloped as actual organizers and popular educators.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I guess it might be an issue of locality- I feel like I can get access to experienced socialist organizers for free, and I can take part in and advance the quality of poli-ed for free? Like, you can read Lenin and Fanon in a group and not pay 200 dollars a month for it, you know?

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

Doing things besides canvassing for democrats? Lots of chapters aren't interested in being a dog for the democratic party, and the national vibes are growing more skeptical as evidence mounts against the viability of change through democrats.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

after the revolution, begging the revolutionary gen alpha-ers to just shoot me instead of sentencing me to a late 2010s DSA convention roleplay

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

I think you're dismissing quantitative changes because you haven't seen qualitative changes yet. I understand wanting to wait for qualitative changes to not be skeptical, but as Marxists we also understand that qualitative changes are an accumulation of quantitative changes, and there is very clear evidence of quantitative changes.


I'm noticing a lot of people taking "you should read more about this, here are some book recommendations" as insulting their intelligence.

This is relevant because most USians lack a political education.


If you can't find a leftist book club, make one! And pick a book that resonates with your personal experiences, it will resonate with others too!

Or an essay!

Or a comic!

Or a show!

Or a movie!

I've started one with some friends and it is the most catharsis I've had in years. I also am involved in an org too, so it isnt just the "oh cool im actually doing something" itch being scratched. I think it has something to do with doing intellectual labor in a non-atomized setting. The fact that the book is marxist and is allowing us to articulate profound feelings we've always had about society and our place in it is a major bonus.


I've seen too much of this. No, the nazis and the Soviets were not equivalent.

Do. Better.


It is 2023 and DSA can't get its act together about apartheid being bad.



So, you know the grand strategy 4x thing, explore, expand, exploit, exterminate. Kinda problematic. But I love them as a genre, and I love systems programming, sooo... been up to a little something something in my spare time. Look out for something in a few years! I have a schedule and I'm mostly sticking to it!

Wanted to run the premise and broad design brushstrokes by people for the good old ruthless critique.

Premise: Space setting, only humans, a bunch of terraforming ships got sent out after capitalists threw a tantrum at losing control of most of earth(okay, the mobs may have also been at their door, sent out colony ships and launched the nukes, earth cleanup efforts may or may not work out so the survivors are hedging their bets by sending out terraformers.

Terraforming ships get where they're going at a relatively slow pace, by the time they've gotten settled in, dysfunctional but much more powerful capitalist states form an encirclement around earth who they're still fighting on and off. Some of the other terraforming ships that flew only a relatively short distance away are now their vassals.

Throughout the game these powers try to establish an exploitative relationship with the player society and other societies, following the 4x paradigm (basically how players discover and interact with city states in civ6 but with much less whitewashing)

Players interact with other periphery countries in a more collaborative than expansionist way, although forming federations with various levels of centralization would be an option with very friendly countries, and countries that have been puppet dictatorshipped can be annexed(or left autonomous, and which decision the player makes will impact how they're viewed diplomatically)

Basic premise setting done, the core mechanics will be played with:

Explore: it is a two way street. If you know about someone, they probably now know about you. New planets to inhabit are terraformed, the rare planets with already existing ecosystems are much more valuable for scientific research. (And must be protected from the capitalists and there shortsighted profit motive) Part of the game will be limiting intel on your society by killing or capturing explorers in the early game, setting trade protocol and enforcing borders against spy attempts in the middle and late, some late game stuff I haven't figured out yet

Expand: there is a lot of space that can just be used more efficiently. Building tall is always an option, viable wide playstyles are mainly "we've adapted our society to live in desolate places that are too expensive for the capitalist bastards to dig us out of"

Exploit: all the resources that are extracted are either organic and recycle themselves once consumed with proper ecological management, or non-organic and need to be recycled. No infinite mining. Build options for "we can be a little irresponsible in the short term as we transition to a more sustainable system" and "we should do this the right way from the start" with the former being a little min-max-y but with a serious danger of being trapped in a destructive cycle that punishes the player.

Exterminate: capitalist powers are genocidal, to varying extents that suite their goals. No player options for being evil for the lulz, the worst you do is pack up colonists from the imperial core and send them home

I have more thoughts but I feel like I've rambled enough tonight (I had like, literally something with only a trace of alcohol but I have absolutely no tolerance)

Please let me know what you think, I'd really like to make a grand strategy game with explicitly communist themes, and I know the genre is kind of inherently unsuited for it but I'm trying to make it as least muddled as possible.

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