[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 108 points 1 week ago

Same, I've installed Arch on my ThinkPad, shaved my legs and put on knee high stockings. I also give every car a middle finger and swear when walking past parking lots. Lemmy has radicalized me in surprising ways.

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 84 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The other day my brother and I were talking about some science experiment we were doing as kids, how we had a lot of fun until our dad barged into the room and got mad at us for messing with that stuff. We were laughing about it and were like yeah our dad is such an asshole. Then my brother went like: "Yeah do you remember what happened next?". I was like: "No I don't remember, I remember him being angry and shouting but not much else." This was a typical Tuesday for us back in the day, so I didn't think there was more to remember. My brother said: "Yeah he beat you up so bad you went unconscious for over a minute. I was scared he had beat you to death. Our dad turned white and stormed out of the room as soon as your eyes opened again." We both laughed and were like "Damn that's fucked up".

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 81 points 2 months ago

Where the FUCK are you?

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 97 points 2 months ago

Of all the things in the world, please don't jinx nuclear war.

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 82 points 3 months ago

These guys are the fucking biggest idiots in the world. They don't worry about being Russian and Chinese operatives, they only worry about losing votes because people found out they are. It's the whole you only sorry you got caught, but on a traitor to your nation level.

Fuck these guys and anybody that votes for them.

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 112 points 4 months ago

Yes I hate them as well, they always get in the way and putting the cap back on is super annoying.

However, since these bottles were introduced data has shown they work. Bottle caps were one of the most found items in trash picked up from the streets. The number of bottle caps has gone way down since these were introduced.

So I've accepted them. Can't argue with data. I've never returned a bottle without a cap in my life. I've never thrown away a cap separate from the bottle. But turns out the world is full of psychopaths who throw the cap in the street. Probably the same kind of person who throws their trash by the side of the road from their car. Fuck those people.

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 95 points 4 months ago

Same with insects like bumblebees and flies. You sit outside, you see a bug approach at high speed and land perfectly on a leaf. Wow pretty cool. Now with slow mo you see them crash into the leaf, do a summersault, stumble around and sit down. It just happens fast so you don't notice, but they crash almost every landing.

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 107 points 5 months ago

The region map also tells a story

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 103 points 9 months ago

You'd be surprised how much a concrete pillar holding up an overpass can actually take. They don't break like in the movies, they are specifically designed to take big truck impacts and not fail. Anybody crashing a Cybertruck at highway speeds into one of those is instantly turned into red colored mashed potatoes.

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 93 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Because in a recipe it's impossible to specify cooking times without pre-heating. It's easy to say 10 minutes at 200 degrees, because this would be exactly the same for everyone. Every oven is different, so the time would be different depending on your oven, which the person writing the recipe can't know. So if the instructions on something like bread say pre-heat and bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees, they know the result would be good.

There is also the fact ovens warm up differently. If there is a heating element within the compartment where the food is being heated (especially above), this element gets way too hot and emits a lot of infrared radiation whilst heating up the oven. It does this because it wants to get to the set temperature as fast as possible. Once it gets there it only needs to maintain that temperature, which is much easier, so the heating element gets much less hot during this time. If you set something like a cake in the oven with a heating element right above it, best case the top of the cake gets baked more than the rest, worst case the top gets burnt before the inside cooks.

Then there's the fact whilst heating the temperatures inside the oven fluctuate a lot, some parts get hot fast, other parts take more time. When you have food that's sensitive to that you def need to preheat.

And there's a lot of chemistry going on, for example some foods get really greasy if they don't get hot enough while cooking. Whilst these food could be cooked with the temperature going from 50 - 150 degrees, the end result would be much better if it's just cooked at 200 during the whole process.

Now there are a lot of cases where this doesn't matter and if you know your oven well enough you can compensate. But there are plenty of legit reasons to pre-heat and you may even have better results when pre-heating, even if the end result was fine before.

So I agree, people should pre-heat and there are tangible benefits!

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 83 points 1 year ago

I always laugh when media says scientists are baffled and have a mystery on their hands.

More often than not they pretty much know exactly what is up. But Pete says one thing, Harry says another thing, Jenna has been working on it for the past 20 years and don't forget old man Harris who did great work in the 70s. Most of the time they disagree on small details which don't even matter unless you are really into the subject. Or they have 2 theories and know for sure one of them is right, but they don't know which one. They need funding and staff for a 12 month study to figure out which one it is, but getting that funding has been an issue for the past 10 years.

Then they talk to a reporter and say well we don't really know, because they don't want to be presumptuous. So the headline says its a MYSTERY and scientists are BAFFLED.

In my experience scientist don't get baffled, they get excited and talk your ear off for hours if you let them. If you think they will stop if you stop buying them drinks, it doesn't work, they just keep going.

[-] Thorry84@feddit.nl 81 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This is waaaaay to simple of a depiction of modern roads. Modern infrastructure is super complex, with roads going down meters with many different layers and components.

I would recommend the Practical Engineering YouTube channel to get some insight in how complex our modern infrastructure actually is. Things that seem so simple on the surface are often really complex.

Also: roads aren't designed for cars, they are designed for super heavy big vehicles carrying tons of materials. If the road can handle those, the cars don't really matter all that much.

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