[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

For those who want to feel empty and numb inside, I would suggest this triple banger of back to back films…

  1. Kids
  2. Requiem for a dream
  3. Import/Export
[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 12 points 3 weeks ago

Just remember… voting them out is the only way for them leave office. Even if it’s a shoe in, complacency on voting gives them a chance. Total annihilation sends a stronger message than a close election.

[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 13 points 3 weeks ago

I think it just highlights loose morales for a quick quid. Defrauding a bookmaker with inside knowledge is still fraud.

I regularly had inside information on the winners of certain television “reality” tv shows, and could easily chuck £25 on the winner, knowing that it was easy money… but my own moral compass stopped me from doing it because I thought it was wrong.

I’m not saying that I’m better or worse than anyone, and I can see that the only company I would be defrauding would be a bookmaker… but I saw fraud as fraud, which still didn’t sit right with me.

[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 44 points 2 months ago

I’m gonna play extreme geoguesser here, but is that bridge at Battersea park road/Queenstown road bridge, right near Battersea Park Station?

[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 19 points 6 months ago

I love “the wire” scene on picking a power tool.


“Yeah. Cordless'll do that. You might want to consider the powder-actuated tool. The Hilti DX460MX or the Simpson PTP. These two are my Cadillacs. Everything else on this board is second best, sorry to say. Are you contracting or just doing some work around the house?”

[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 27 points 6 months ago

I genuinely asking for some education on Brexit, because I personally thought, and still think it was a terrible decision for the nation, but I am hoping to get a better understanding from real people and not just read articles. I know I can research it, but would like to hear personal opinions/thoughts/etc….

I am a UK citizen, but I was living my teen and mid adult life in Australia. I didn’t get to vote on Brexit as I was not residing on the country at the time, and never thought I would return. Circumstances have changed, and I have now moved back to the UK at the beginning of the year, so I’m in the thick of the Brexit mess now. I can’t comment on what life was like before Brexit, but I am now a citizen of its consequences.

From my limited understanding, and what I really need clarification and advice on is;

Brexit was a campaign point that David Cameron ran on for election. When he won, he called the referendum, but he was opposed to it. Meanwhile, the Brexit campaign was in full swing with lots of misinformation, but Cameron only decided to rally hard in the leading three months up to the vote, failing to properly educate and explain the deal to the public.

The vote was close. Somewhere in the 52%/48%

Cameron stood down

Brexit happened, finalising at the end of 2020

I know there’s a lot of nuance, and I know I’m missing a lot of major information, but is my understanding the very basic gist of what happened?

Thanks for any response

[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 23 points 8 months ago

“I can’t believe it. I’m a minimalist logo”

-Mike Wazowski

[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 37 points 11 months ago

This is a really interesting issue within the industry. I work within the film and television industry, both in Australia and the UK, and have never been credited for the roles that I do that, some would argue, should be credited for.

But when you break down something like a mega-Hollywood-super-feature-blockbuster-film like Oppenheimer, the amount of ancillary and auxiliary bodies working on a movie like this, would amount to a credit role that would be very hard to keep track of.

For example, do you credit the data wranglers who might be assisting the DIT, or the courier service who delivers dailies to the post house? Or the team of edit assistants who make proxies for OCM? Do you credit every person who was on craft catering for the entire production run?

On one hand, I can see why it is “consolidated” to team leads, or heads of departments, but personally I think that ANYONE who worked on the film SHOULD be credited, as their time is equally as important as everyone else’s.

I have learnt to accept that my name won’t be appearing in any credit role, despite the hours I put in to make sure it happens, and I am okay with that, but totally understand and support anyone who feels like they should get the recognition… as I said at the start… interesting issue.

[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 34 points 11 months ago

Feeling like shit for a shorter amount of time knowing I did the right thing, far outweighs the longer feeling of guilt for not speaking up. At least when you say something, it stops there, and you don’t go down the mindfuck of “what if”.

[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all”. -God (futurama)

This little quote helps make me thorough in my work

[-] Twofacetony@lemmy.world 18 points 1 year ago

The scary thing is that I’m 100% sure I get the reference, without ever seeing the reference. I’m going to nope the fuck outta here…


Hello everyone (???),

I recently moved from Australia to UK, and in that process I had to speak to my doctors back in Australia for my medication to be documented for UK GP’s. The normal stuff like, Valium, codeine and strong anti-inflammatories were pretty easy to switch over, but the THC side is where I’m finding roadblocks and don’t know where to go, or even if I can.

I have been prescribed Spectrum Red THC oil, and thankfully I have enough of it to last another year or so, but there will be a time when I have to jump on the doctor bandwagon to get it refilled. Do GP’s prescribe it in the UK like I would in Australia, or do I have to go down a long path of finding the right doctors practice that will be able to prescribe THC oil?

Thankfully I have a great doctor who will electronically prescribe oil to be filled at a dispensary in Australia, who might be able to mail it to me, but I don’t quite like the prospect of paying £70 and hoping a bottle arrives… and then having to possibly deal with border control for importing something that might be illegal.

Does anyone know of a cannabis doctor in the UK that would prescribe that particular medication, or at least have any personal experience with any insight on how it works here?

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