I don't see any detriment to giving trans people their own space where they can be comfortable and let everyone else be comfortable too.

They don't want to feel different and "other" though, which a separate bathroom would absolutely do. The kids don't care, the kids don't have your old school hangups. So let's not breed new hangups, let's let the old ones die.

As to sports, we get to decide how things are organized. Sports rules aren't handed down from on high. We can change the sorting of genders to make it fair and inclusive. We can experiment with different ways of sorting until we find that correct balance. We don't have to cling to the old ways just because it's what we're uses to.

There are SO MANY posts about police getting caught with CP, plus this shit, plus the beatings and killings, the stalking and harassment, the theft via literal stuff-in-pockets theft and civil asset forfeiture... HOW can they think we'd like and respect them???

What's to like?! They don't help when your stuff is stolen, they don't even solve most cases if I'm remembering correctly, the vast majority won't put themselves in any kind of harms way to help people... What's to like?! What's their purpose to the average citizen? But god do they cry if they're criticized 🙄

Damn, poor Kevin. It doesn't sound like he deserves this 🙁

Fuck Aunt Sheryl... But I wish Kevin could have been spared.

I've had this happen and I've been with my husband when he's had it happen, it's a pretty weird feeling, but I rather enjoyed it. It felt cool, like being in science fiction something or other.

I mean I was happy for my brain and body to feel reconnected, but I didn't mind the experience while it lasted.

Definitely, and we know that not everyone is suited to every task. Some women will be wanting to hunt just for the fun/athleticism, and I'm sure there were dudes who didn't care for hunting, as well. No point wasting people's best efforts on something they aren't suited to.

Hell it wouldn't shock me if people traded roles around day to day based on boredom, needing to stretch ones legs, and needing more restful days, wanting to hang out with your other friends while you work, etc.

It does look powerful though. He looks super strong and has an incredibly hot women who is into him, many guys want to live that fantasy.

Do you think Natalie Portman was ogling him because she thought he looked hot and the camera happened to catch her staring or do you think it was written into the script?

I simply don't see women clamoring for men to go to these extremes. I'm not saying doesn't happen, I just don't think it's very often. And it'd be super cool if the men on this thread would take comments from women about our own experiences at face value and not assume we're what? Being coy about what we actually find attractive?

Do you find that the men in romantic movies and chickflicks have body types as unobtainable as the dudes in superhero movies? Like, yes they're fit, but they don't tend to have bulging muscles because women don't tend to be into that.

There's a difference between a movie with attractive people in it, and a movie with someone who had to dedicate themselves to their fitness for months and still had to do things like dehydrate themselves for the day of the shoot to achieve a sculpted look. They're worlds away in terms of effort to achieve the desired effect. And women do not tend to be into the "dehydrate yourself to look more cut" look.

The point isnt that men aren't given unrealistic body goals, they definitely ARE, but the push isn't coming from women, generally.

They have to be referring to "Parks and Rec" Chris Pratt, right? Cuz he definitely used to have a dad bod, but he does not anymore.

Non-toxic misogyny? Who'd have thought it was possible? Go, little parrot! Break new ground!

You straight up made my face scrunch up in disgust with that thought. So... Good job, I guess. 🤢

And the various pizza delivery subreddits as well. Those are my people and I already miss them.

r/visiblemending 😔 the only kind of mending I know how to do, and I still had so much to learn!

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