Officielt fra BBC live stream, Yoon ~~har fjernet~~ vil fjerne martial law "swiftly".
Worth noting is that the unanimous vote includes members of the president's party (as far as I can see from skimming headlines. They're dropping fast...)
Yeah obviously, but what about the rest of my 10s of TBs of porn?
Sounds quite a lot like zero-knowledge proof
It's easy to stop smoking! I do it several tines a day!
Meanwhile in Family Guy
That's illegal in EU
Linux, Gimp, Blender.
"Our business model isn't sustainable unless we remove worker rights"
I'm sorry to inform you that there might be some content leaking through your ads.
Water written backwards spells retaw. If you adjust it a little it says retard. Are you gonna take being called a retard by water? Ban water today and stop the insults!
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joined 2 years ago
Det er fandeme surrealistisk at ligge her i sofaen under tæpperne i Danmark og se nyheden komme ind og 2 min senere se uvidende koreanere på live TV råbe op om at fjerne undtagelsestilstanden.