With 23 and Me getting into selling information for added revenue, the privacy of DNA testing providers makes me not want to use the service. Can anyone recommend a privacy focused DNA testing company that has a good track record?

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 90 points 1 month ago

Because most of the “leftists” flooding this platform are from troll farms. Russia and China are pushing hard on their troll farms to try to get Trump back by any means necessary. He makes America less stable and weaker.

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 88 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Fake Christian to boot. I’m an atheist but grew up Catholic. Almost nothing these people push for government to do follows new testament teachings from Christ.

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 200 points 1 month ago

Can we finally agree capitalism doesn’t give a fuck about anything but profits and therefore CANNOT self regulate?

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 115 points 1 month ago

Stooge. The rich laugh while you blame other poor people for your plight. When will these morons realize race and religion are just tools of the powerful to control others and distract from their crimes.

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 96 points 1 month ago

Now he will try to embrace Tiktok to get young people. Dude has zero shame.

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 96 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Must have been surprising to the Native Americans being slaughtered and sent to reservations and all the immigrant labor being exploited to make those railroads as well. America is the land of the free for the upper caste.

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 91 points 1 month ago

He is a narcissist child who was given way too much power. He will continue to act out like the spoiled bitch he is. He has never had to face consequence before so he will continue.

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 85 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

But I thought terrorists were only non-white non-Christians? I’m getting a MAGA migraine wrapping my head around your comment. /s

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 87 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It’s because they are righties posing as lefties or straight up from troll farms. The billionaire class along with Russia and China - all have a vested interest in seeing Biden fail. Trump serves their interests.

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 85 points 1 month ago

The powerful rich are always pushing for the closest thing to slavery they can get away with.

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 84 points 1 month ago

How do they think these record profits will sustain if they keeps taking every last dime from workers? Oh ya, they don’t think, they are just mindless greedy leeches. They’ll just suck till they get crushed like any other parasite.

[-] WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world 109 points 1 month ago

De-centralization and open source was always the better way. Technology started on this path and the corporate powers have done everything they can to sabotage and destroy open tech.

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