I saw a lot of interest in personal growth and betterment so this is the place to tell us what you're proud of and hype up other community members ๐Ÿ’š


One of the things I'd like to include in thr community garden I'm working on establishing is a food pantry. I'd love to have a place with recycled containers to take home garden goodies, residents to leave extra dry goods, and things like care products/toiletries. I've seen pictures of them online and read articles about them but the closest thing we have here is honesty boxes.

Has anyone made one or used one? Do you have any tips? I'd love to hear some recommendations on practical designs work best or what products you wish yours had more/less of.

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 10 points 1 year ago

I see a thread of people shitting on an asshole calling human rights an opinion? It looks like he has 2/3 upvotes but if there was a downvote button i guarantee their comments would be in the negatives. It doesn't look like a debate to me but people telling someone that it's not a debate and if they think it is one they can go elsewhere. I guess the whole conversation could be removed but i think having one so full of support for transrights being human rights is good for other readers to see. If they agree with the asshole, they'll know their "opinions" aren't welcomed or supported here.

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 15 points 1 year ago

While the results are obvious to most people, it's important to do these sorts of studies and articles so people have somewhere to point when developers are pushing for more car centric infrastructure.


Now is a good time to think about a small way you can help, even it it's just making an effort to pick up some rubbish on a walk. For me, it's winter and I start to feel a bit down from the lack of sunlight hours so i like to give myself a very small and achievable goal that can give me a little boost of serotonin. Between winter bugs, storms, and work things, I haven't been getting outside enough. I want to make an effort to go walk the local reserves at least once next month and pick up rubbish. It's small but it leaves me room to do even more if I'm feeling up to it without feeling guilty if I only have one good day of energy.

What small things are you wanting to do?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Wigglet@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

I kinda understand it has to do with frequencies and the speed they can send information but I don't know enough to have a productive conversation with those that think it's mind altering cancer rays. Thats also what i keep running into online when I'm trying to find a dummy version for how it all works. I know I'll probably never be able to have a truly productive conversation with those types but i would like to have a better understanding myself.

It would be helpful to explain and frame it with radio and public broadcasting as well. to me, these are all happy information rays that send me thing i like but i don't full understand the technology behind it.

Thanks everyone this has been super helpful! Might try and make an info graph for to hang in my post box since I've gotten some crazy anti 5g flyers recently


After giving my first presentation at our local community council meeting I've come to the conclusion that the show is a real documentary. While my presentation went great (who doesn't love a conveniently located garden and free food?!?), there was heckling of other presenters for having the audacity to get university educations on the topics they were presenting and an attempted coup on the council board by a frighteningly large group of anti 5g truthers. Ironically, making and consuming videos over their 4g. My favourite part was the community theatre group rehearsing in the next room, giving the meeting a dramatic soundtrack. My partner has had to do meetings through work and said he has had similar experiences. It was all a lot funnier when I was watching it on a screen and not real people in my community but at least I can try to make some changes i guess ๐Ÿ˜…

Communities can only thrive when a representative group of it's members are pushing for change, don't let it just be fringe groups! In times with amplified hate, its crucial for those of us who have the time and energy to go to the monthly meetings to fight for the rights of those who can't. You don't need to be overly involved or start any projects, you just need to sign up, attend some meetings and vote!

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 15 points 1 year ago

I feel this. When I start looking at the whole political climate I get very distressed, angry, and hopeless but I've found focusing on the small and my own local community has really helped. I can't change what policies are happening in other regions but I can try to make positive changes in mine. I can see what gaps our community has and try to fill them. When you set your eyes too high you can miss some important steps you need to take to get where you're trying to go.

With the alt-right push to get involved in school boards and local councils, now is THE time to get involved and push back. Real changes start small. Get involved in the established community groups that interest you, start your own if you have something particular your community needs, and learn local politics as its will be much more applicable and just much less to learn than remembering everything happening all at once on a national level.

Burnout is real. When I'm feeling good, i organise the things i want to do into checklists with big and small projects so when the burnout comes for me i can find a few boxes I have the energy to tick. (Things like picking up rubbish at the park, side of the road, baking something for a neighbour) Ticking them off and feeling like I've done something positive really helps light the fire again.

You can only do what you can do. Starting really small and building up your involvement is the best way to starve off burnout.


Is it a favourite park or walking track? The library? Do you have a really fun festival that your community is known for? Tells us about it!

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 19 points 1 year ago

Remember when reddit made fun of 9gag for the watermarked memes?! History doesn't repeat but it sure does rhyme

submitted 1 year ago by Wigglet@beehaw.org to c/creative@beehaw.org

The top is linen and made with the (free) peppermint wraptop pattern and the shorts are made from a damaged quilt I found at a charity shop. I was also able to make a bag, pair of dungarees, and a hat from this quilt! I did add pockets to the shorts but these patterns didn't really need any altering. The bag is self drafted, just a slouchy backpack with a fron pocket and drink bottle holders.


Every city should have a toy library. With limited space and limited income our toy library has been essential to my daughters playtime happiness. It's sustainable, teaches responsible toy care, allows her to try out new things and access the flash toys we wouldn't be able to otherwise. It also creates a sense of community from a young age. She sees her friends playing with the same truck she borrowed the week before and gets excited about taking home the castle toy she's seen. The anticipation of waiting for the next toy she's been eyeing brings Christmas-morning like joy all year round without adding to over consumption of new products that end up neglected.

Our toy library has things like dressups, large outdoor toys, play sets, baby activity centres, boardgames, and pretty much everything in between. It's been an equaliser for lower income families as their kids can have access to those motorised cars, the fancy pickler triangle/climbing sets, and name brand toys without actually having to buy them.

a quick intro on how to get started

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 15 points 1 year ago

Its the tiny white arrow drop down

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 18 points 1 year ago

I think the mods want kind of a one way gate so since beehaw has more restrictions, beehaw users could venture out unhindered but the lemmy world users wouldn't be able to post or comment here unrestricted. I dont know what will be possible but it would be nice to have some sort of whitelist where posters from other instances could be white listed. With no entry requirements, the two instances removed are really easy for trolls to create as many accounts as they would like to harass.

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 29 points 1 year ago

If you have jerboa you can have the multi accounts feature to still access what ever instances you would like pretty seamlessly. I think the long term goal is more mod tools so that there doesn't need to be a giant wall but maybe some boarder patrol to keep the trolls out.

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 13 points 1 year ago

You can have it on jerboa, the Android app. I don't but i see.the option on my navigation bar


It's such a neat concept that can make certain expensive services like lawyers or therapists more accessible. I could trade a few hours gardening, sewing, cleaning, or baking, for someone else to give me a hand building a larger project. It's a beautiful way to connect a community through acts of service ๐Ÿฅฐ

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

The shape of the leaf with the water is very cute.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Wigglet@beehaw.org to c/betterment@beehaw.org

So happy so many of you are also interested in finding, sharing, and discussing new ways to better our communities! I hope everyone finds inspiration here and we all get to brighten up our little corners of the world.

I would love to hear from people about what is working in your community.

What does your community have or do that you think is going well? (Maybe its a neat festival. Maybe it's a community centre like a workshop or garden. Share the ideas!)

What small things have you done that you would like to do more of? (Cleaned up rubbish on the beach? Planted some trees? Helped with a fundraiser or event? Good on you, we're all proud! Tell us so we can all get motivated to go out and do the same)

What are you wanting for your community? (Maybe its helping with food insecurity, maybe its cleaning up parks or planting trees, maybe it's better public transport)

No task is too big or too small to share, this is a place of positivity and celebration โœจ๏ธ

Here's an article with links to resources on starting your own library of things. It's US centric but still has good ideas I've been stealing for getting ours organised

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

Personally I don't think tolerating intolerance is just a differing opinion. I feel like excusing genocide puts them in a group of people i don't want to associate and I don't think an "opinion" like denying genocide should be sat at the same table as reality.

Don't mince my words, I hate all imperialistic governments who commit genocide and if there were posts about the US never having intentionally killed all the buffalo, trail of tears, those culture stripping schools etc or our own version of those schools here in Aotearoa I would be just as disgusted.

submitted 1 year ago by Wigglet@beehaw.org to c/creative@beehaw.org

It took me ages and I hated the process but I absolutely love it. It's very dense. The base fabric was a peice of curtain. The yarns are a mix of what ever I could find. I bought some new and found some 2nd hand or was given them. It took a looooooot of yarn.

I want to make more but I'll have to invest in a rug gun first ๐Ÿ™ƒ

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

It feels like mostly hype to keep people living exactly how they are, thinking someoneelse is fixing the big problem. While plant breeding will be crucial in adapting our food systems with climate change, money for maginal increases in carbon absorbtion would be better spent on reforestation with the tree varieties we have now and implementing serious changes on how modern people live. What's happening now is just not sustainable. The level of consumption viewed as normal is not sustainable. Allowing corporations to pollute our planet for a few rich people to get even richer is criminal.

I'll always support plant breeding projects that can improve our world but it's so frustrating to me that it seems like money is spent trying to find any other way to fix a problem we already have solutions to.

[-] Wigglet@beehaw.org 9 points 1 year ago

But 3rd party app users are often content contributors or mods or the ones answering questions. I feel like reddit is about to use a chunk of real human active users

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