[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

There is has been a long campaign to make Americans dumber. Easier to control and more perceptive to propaganda.

Look at the state of the education system. This happened not by chance but by design.

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

No, I don't think so. AI is just getting better.

Still that AI, even with a lot of time and compute, got easy tasks wrong, so we don't have AGI yet, if that makes you feel better.

I don't understand why people have such a hate-boner for AI that they can't believe that there's advancement in AI research.

AI is in a strange place where it is very good at many tasks while making errors a five year old wouldn't do.

But it's a relatively young technology so it will probably get better for quite some time.

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 months ago

I would be much less against pro-life if the movement would focus on better care for would-be-mothers, easier adoption and better oversight, financial support for girls who give up their children, increasing adoption numbers, better sex ed, etc. instead of banning abortions.

They are exclusively focusing on the worst way to reduce abortions.

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml -2 points 5 months ago
  1. Labor
  2. There are a lot of improvements in the making. Agents, memory, self-improvement. It's a young technology.
  3. Currently AI is not good enough to replace people. It's good enough to improve productivity and will probably get better at that. This will be the reason why many people loose their jobs - there might be human level AI in the future but that's hard to predict.
  4. Build more power plants. This is already happening. A problem but not a impossible one.
  5. That is just plain wrong. Try different models and get different results. What the future will bring is hard to predict but artificial data or self improving models might be the solution to the data problem. Time will tell.
[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 1 points 5 months ago

Better then Trump is a low bar and you know it.

No one sane said that he was a bad president (although he could have been a lot better) just that he is too old for the job.

I would say that anyone younger and progressive would do better than him.

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 months ago

Bernie would have won (according to polls) if the DNC hadn't sabotaged him at every turn. Too polarizing? No, just too left for the Democrats.

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 3 points 6 months ago

Well, the only thing that could reasonably help us would be to demolish the 1% and the corrupt politicians who support them. And yes, that would include an armed uprising.

Not that that I see that happening unless it gets much worse. We still have (some) bread and games left to pacify the masses.

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 1 points 8 months ago

Depends on the job, but I think more like 5 figures. Still enough to live comfortably, but of course not enough for these greedy fucks. The reason so many are millionaires is not their salaries.

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 2 points 10 months ago

As if that wasn't what they were aiming for the whole time.

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 2 points 10 months ago

Yes, they aren't there... Yet.

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml 3 points 11 months ago

Google den text (vielleicht noch mit Lyrics dahinter).

[-] Xerxos@lemmy.ml -2 points 11 months ago

Ah, yes - the typical "I don't like it/it's too much of a hassle for me therefore it is useless for everybody."

Same thinking pattern that prevents the USA from adopting the metric system: I like the old system (because I grew up with it and don't want to learn something new) therefore the new system is bad.

These people should really try to be a bit less egocentric. Is it so hard to recognize that the world doesn't revolve around you?

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